Me too! I want to be able to run it on my steam deck.
Me too! I want to be able to run it on my steam deck.
I herd u liek escape characters so I escaped your escaped your escaped your escape characters.
Insert obligatory \\\\\\\\Xzibit
What an incredibly deep ignorance about the modern world.
If you’re curious about how countries militaries actually stack up these days I’d suggest looking into the results of some of the recent NATO joint exercises. The French military is actually quite formidable with a lot of recent heavy intervention in old colonies and anti terrorism strike force actions lately… now, nothing can really compare to the insane US military budget but France is pretty fucking serious.
The UK is a joke, though.
The real sleeping bears are the Baltics though. Those fucks are scared shitless of Russia and have heavily invested in widespread training in an effort to present Russia with an occupational nightmare due to partisan resistance if they ever invade.
As a contrast while China has a shit load of stuff there was a massive amount of military supply corruption leading to a really high practical failure rate. They’ve got infantry for days of course, and their navy is quite serious… but there’s a strong suspicion that China’s airforce is much weaker than numbers would suggest.
- Trump
Or perhaps grok considers Windows 11 to be woke.
My suggestion to use Necco wafers was, unfortunately, in jest. They certainly have their appeal but they’re absolutely an acquired taste.
That just shows up as ****** you must have excellent security software.
It’s a closer parallel to the partitioning of Czechoslovakia actually… and for bonus points Germany reneged on that agreement before the fucking ink was dry and just claimed huge extra swathes of land… and I’d expect nothing less from fucking Putin.
Any chance yall can turn back on your reactors so you can actually be energy independent again?
We’ve got tons of uranium over in Canada and you’re welcome to it.
If you’ve got a knife you can cut Necco wafers down to size to improve the taste.
Windows actually does have a decentish ssh program built in these days… it’s not great but like… it works. And while I used to use PuTTY myself, I’ve just switched over to using git bash - so it amuses me that they’re using ancient tooling even though the oldest is like 25?
As a thirty eight year old I feel confident in saying that these clowns need to get with the times.
Also, don’t forget that Musk is a huge fucking idiot. He recently claimed the US government doesn’t use SQL which is laughably ignorant.
Optimistically, they’re supposed to be organizing people onto the streets by calling out Trump’s bullshit. I can’t disagree that their actions have been underwhelming as a group so far (good on Bernie and AoC though) but I think this is a good move.
The Trump administration is clearly willing to silence whistle-blowers so we need something outside the GOP’s reach to document these issues.
I 'member zip lining straight off a cliff.
I found the enrollment pretty straightforward when I joined. The page I found when googling “join lemmy” listed the major instances and shortly summarized the concept of federation. I don’t think even mildly tech savvy people would have an issue enrolling but it’d definitely confuse my eighty year old mom.
One of my coworkers once got in trouble for naming a PDF “The client asked for another fucking round of changes” they of course renamed it before sending… but they renamed the filename - they didn’t remember to update the Metadata title that pdfs have embedded in them (and we all used foxit that suppressed the visibility of that title at that time).
Do be a bit careful about anything you’re actually committing.
I’m not canceling my dropout subscription - I am canceling my Netflix subscription… I personally don’t think content creation is a particularly geographically tied activity so I’m just focused on avoiding giving money to corporations that are financially supporting the administration regardless of their declared regional locale.
With Yemeni and Somali attacks on merchant vessels this is actually one place in the world where a military presence is actually beneficial to pretty much everyone. You’d be amazed to see how many otherwise adversarial nations have bases in Djibouti and cooperate in anti-piracy manuvers.
Especially with Trump in charge, it’s arguable that the US shouldn’t be a part of that but we absolutely need someone’s military presence there.
Fucking hell… I really fucking hope he doesn’t take an axe to ADHD treatment.
Hey, there’s something magical about knowing what a negative look behind zero length assertion is.