No worries! That sounds awesome, I’ll have to take a shot at it this coming week.
No worries! That sounds awesome, I’ll have to take a shot at it this coming week.
You got a recipe you’re willing to share? Would love to try making one of those.
That’s me for sure these days. Back in high school I used to play at least a couple of hours every day. I have a gaming PC and a Steam Deck but probably play a few hours a month. But I’ll happily watch several hours of Twitch each day while I’m relaxing.
Probably just getting older and busier, haha.
Great explanation, thank you!
Really enjoyed these games when they came out. Recently replayed the first two on the Switch they really hold up well.
I tried the XM4s for about two weeks and ended up returning them for similar reasons. Found the bass to be way too overpowering and muddy. Had a similar experience with the Meze 99 Neo as well.
Yup. Upgraded to a Micron 2 TB SSD that I purchased from BLT. I went the cloning route, using a Clonezilla live USB image. No issues with anything.
Was really hoping the update would include more info about what has been changed with the MMU3.
Usually two cups in the morning on workdays, but decaf. I’ve never felt like the caffeine does anything positive for me, I just get jittery. I just like having something to drink at work and coffee tastes good plus the hot temperature makes me pace myself.