I hope this isn’t out of context, also I don’t want to “own the libs” or something here, I’m actually interested.

  • @mindbleach
    13 months ago

    You do if you’re trying to yeah-but some other function for guns.

    • Zeppo
      13 months ago

      Not really sure what that means, but if you’re not clear on it, the threat when someone is robbing you with a gun is that they’ll shoot you. They could pistol whip you instead, I guess.

      • @mindbleach
        13 months ago

        What it means is, the only function for a gun is death. It remains a tool whose sole purpose is to kill. Threatening to use a thing, for its purpose, does not change its purpose. It’s not an extra bonus feature.

        • Zeppo
          13 months ago

          That it is a function is precisely what I’m positing, but if you don’t agree, okay.

            • Zeppo
              13 months ago

              I’m not really sure what your point is. Mine is that guns can serve a harmful function even if not ever used to shoot anyone.