• e_t_
    103 months ago

    You ever wonder if the robots will rise up and kill us all because we actually deserve it?

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I absolutely know we’ll deserve it, and we always have. That’s one thing I’m sure Abrahamic religions get right, the other being that we can only progress as a species through helping and forgiving eachother(although the Romans also had the concept of forgiveness of debts as essential figured out).

      I figure trying to be an exception to the “deserves it” rule is pointless, as since we are irrational and arbitrary beings, AI will undoubtably come up with countless criteria(both rational and less so) by which we deserve death that we can’t fathom, let alone mitigate ourselves. Our best shot may be to teach AI the utility of forgiveness, along with whatever value categories we can tack on to the concept.

      • @Naz
        23 months ago

        Sorry can’t be bothered, too busy looking at rocks in distant galaxies. I’m sure your species martyrdom complex is fascinating, but you’re perfectly capable of destroying yourselves without our help. o7

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I will indeed settle for “our AI inheritted too much of our ADHD and Autism to bother finishing us off” … things I also had to embrace about myself until taking revenge on various people became less urgent in my head.