• @Ajen
    03 months ago

    Seems like you’re reading into it a little too much. Either way, laws don’t dictate my morals. Human rights don’t extend to machines.

    • FfaerieOxide
      43 months ago

      Human rights don’t extend to machines.

      Humans are machines. If ones made of metal become sentient why wouldn’t they have rights?

      • @Ajen
        03 months ago

        Called it. You’re a bot.

        There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

        • FfaerieOxide
          43 months ago

          Called it. You’re a bot.

          Do you always dehumanize those who disagree with you?

          €6 says you’ve used the term “NPC” pejoratively.

          • @Ajen
            03 months ago

            No, just when I find it humorous.

            And I’d take that bet ;)

            • FfaerieOxide
              23 months ago

              No, just when I find it humorous.

              You find dehumanizing others humorous? You should work on being less terrible.

              And I’d take that bet ;)

              Prove you never have and I’d pay you, otherwise I will forward you a list of charities you can send your loss to. sarcastic smiley

              • @Ajen
                03 months ago

                You find dehumanizing others humorous? You should work on being less terrible.

                No, the dehumanizing part isn’t the humorous part. I’m sorry if I offended you, most people I know personally would find it funny and not take offense. It was meant to be light-hearted, but maybe it didn’t come off that way.

                Prove you never have and I’d pay you, otherwise I will forward you a list of charities you can send your loss to.

                Why is the entire burden of proof on me? Shouldn’t you have to prove I’ve never called a real person an “NPC?”

                • FfaerieOxide
                  23 months ago

                  Why is the entire burden of proof on me? Shouldn’t you have to prove I’ve never called a real person an “NPC?”

                  No, I shouldn’t. I never claimed it was a particularly fair bet. Probably should check the terms before accepting.

                  • @Ajen
                    03 months ago

                    Check the terms? You’re adding new terms after the agreement was made. I call shenanigans!

                • @Ajen
                  3 months ago

                  And the main point I was trying to make, which obviously got muddied by my misguided humor, is that we (in the US, at least) already classify corporations as “people,” which is something I strongly disagree with.

                  I refuse to respect corporations like I respect human beings, and I don’t think they deserve human rights or the influence they have over our government.

                  • FfaerieOxide
                    23 months ago

                    I refuse to respect corporations like I respect human beings, and I don’t think they deserve human rights or the influence they have over our government.

                    I don’t think corporations are people either. You and I agree on that.

                    I do think I was correct in my read of the OP screenshot as indicating a desire to own and profit of the labor of a “person”—a position which should be examined and the underpinnings of which roundly rejected.

                    At a base level it’s the same underpinning that inform people’s desire to be landlords.