Strawman. You’re implying that OP believes hate speech can’t encroach on the freedom of others. Nothing in their post leads me to believe they think that.
Strawman. You’re implying that OP believes hate speech can’t encroach on the freedom of others. Nothing in their post leads me to believe they think that.
Yes congress approved a lot of it. But some of it was sent without approval.
Are you saying Biden wanted to end the war, but couldn’t? Because I remember him circumventing congress to send military aid to Isreal, more than once. No one was forcing his hand, they were actually doing the opposite.
Again, what you’re saying doesn’t apply to the industry as a whole. Or maybe you’re just one of the folks who thinks Americans should adopt the 996 work ethic?
Sounds like a problem with your company culture. I don’t think your description fits the industry as a whole.
Not to mention how much he must have spent on his lawsuit. It’s an embodiment of the sunk cost fallacy.
Even 5 minutes seems short. You’re already dead, what’s the rush?
You don’t have to ship a second OS just to containerize your app.
To log in to your account online?
I’m not saying that they wouldn’t be allowed in cities, just that in my experience they’re more likely to be found in rural areas. When I look at nurseries in and around the closest major city, most are in the outskirts of the city where land is a lot cheaper, rather than the built-up urban areas.
Or a large city… I think you’re actually more likely to find these stores in rural areas.
Yeah, we have those in the US too. Not sure why that other commenter seems to think Ace Hardware is the smallest business that sells plants, there are plenty of small nurseries in every state.
Doesn’t mbin federate with Mastodon? I’ve been thinking about moving to an mbin server for that reason…
What do you mean by “inorganic intelligence,” exactly? Do you think openai has already achieved it?
That’s not what I meant when I said the public knows.
You don’t know about gait analysis. A quick search would show you its not “squirrel shit.” Lots of research papers are available from the past 10+ years about using it for surveillance, and there’s even a wiki page.
True, but more inmates were executed during Trump’s last term than are currently on death row.
AWD might help you avoid getting stuck, but it does nothing to avoid getting in an accident. A cheap 4 cyl FWD with chains or winter tires would do better than a Subaru with crappy tires in icy weather.