According to the article, they were under investigation for over 5 years. I wonder if they would be less willing to open new investigations given recent events.
According to the article, they were under investigation for over 5 years. I wonder if they would be less willing to open new investigations given recent events.
No, this was purely the pilot’s fault, and they’re employed by Southwest. The government cuts have affected ATC, but they aren’t responsible for the pilots knowing the difference between a runway and a taxiway.
A dryer costs about as much as 2 rolls of cheap filament, and if you don’t print very often then you’ll probably waste more than 2 rolls to failed prints. A dry box with desiccant can also work, but it doesn’t remove moisture efficiently - it just keeps things dry, so it won’t recover your wet filament.
On the other hand, if the trick with the heated print bed is working for you, that’s probably good enough. A cheap kitchen scale will tell you if it’s removing moisture.
I think you meant “going to nightclubs as a white foreigner in Japan”
That’s very nieve. You can believe in a woman’s absolute right to choose while also acknowledging that sometimes people do heinous things.
When you say “abortion is moral,” do you mean that it is never immoral? As in, you literally can’t think of a situation where it would be wrong for a woman to get an abortion?
What about the last part: “viewing disagreement as moral monstrosity?”
Maybe something is loose, like the tube that the filament travels through? It definitely seems to be clicking during retractions, but if the print quality isn’t affected then it’s probably not the stepper motor or extruder.
Look at what happened to the stock on Feb 11, it dropped, came back up for a few days, then dropped again. That could be repeating.
Idk, trying to charge a wired mouse sounds more like sleep deprivation than incompetence. Especially if it happened in a hospital.
Yeah, pretty much. I’m not saying it isn’t weird, and I’m also not saying they don’t idolize him, but this picture is just how evangelicals treat other evangelicals. Nothing scandalous or newsworthy, IMO.
Having know some evangelicals, it doesn’t hold any huge significance. They’ll lay hands on someone who has a broken arm to pray to God to heal it, so it’s not like this is a huge honor. Still weird, but this isn’t a sign of them idolizing him, especially compared to that golden goat statue with Trump’s face on $100 bills. The goat is literal blasphemy, but “laying hands” is just how evangelicals normally act…
Personally, if I had something like that, that wasn’t causing me problems and wasn’t linked to future problems, I wouldn’t want to know. Especially because of how unknown it is. It sounds like there’s no way that information could be of use to anyone other than a researcher, so it actually seems right that you can’t share it.
On the other hand, I’m glad your other friend got their sinus checked out.
I’m curious, what exactly are you worried about with your friend? Are the abnormalities you saw linked to a treatable disease?
I’m not a lawyer, but I know they can put enough leins on a property to take possession of it. I’m pretty sure police will also forcefully remove someone who’s violating civil trespassing laws, but again, not a lawyer.
Local ordinances can also make things like camping on private property illegal. That would be at the city level, but really an HOA is just another form of local government so I’d argue that counts too.
Yeah, racism is considered normal in many parts of the world and you wouldn’t have a progressive spouse/partner, they’d both be racist.
Local ordinances and HOA CC&Rs can make it illegal to live on your own land unless you meet certain requirements, like having a specific type of permanent building (eg. no manufactured homes).
*Ballmer peak