• @sugar_in_your_tea
    222 months ago

    Yeah, she should be rewarded, not penalized.

    Twitch should just make four sections of their service:

    • kids - strict policing of content
    • normie - basically what we have now
    • adult - nudity is fine, but have some limits
    • porn

    Normie would be the default, and anything else is opt-in.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Not going to happen anytime soon because advertisers and payment processors with the lowest fee wouldn’t touch sites that contain adult contents, even if said contents are not visible by default.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        52 months ago

        They could always just make a family of connected sites. That could be subdomains (kids.twitch.com or whatever) or separate domains, but all linked to the same creator account. So a creator would tag a stream as belonging to one of those categories, and it would be assessed and hosted on that category of host.

    • @merc
      72 months ago

      I don’t see how that would solve anything. That would just result in people streaming in the “normie” classification, but pushing the limits as far as they could go.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        32 months ago

        That’s what we have now, and this would give them an option to target a different demographic.

        • @merc
          22 months ago

          That’s what we have now

          Which, I think most people agree, sucks.

          this would give them an option to target a different demographic

          They already have that option. They could stream on cam sites dedicated to adult content if they wanted to do adult content. They don’t do that because they want to reach Twitch viewers not porn viewers. But, they know they get more attention from the Twitch viewers if they’re doing nearly-porn.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      they won’t do this because if they actually allow porn, they’d be banned entirely from some countries

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        22 months ago

        Just give it a different domain or something, and have single sign-on enabled so users can easily move between services. If a country blocks one, users can use the rest.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Then you still have the problems of moderation and trying to make sure all the porn is on one website

          • @sugar_in_your_tea
            12 months ago

            Yes, but if there’s a supported method of posting content, I think fewer people would push the boundaries. Creators could even have one interface to manage all of their content, and then just pick the target audience for a given stream. Viewers could see all content for the given site and everything under it (so if you’re on “adult,” you’d see “twitch” and “kids” but not “porn”).

            Or something along those lines.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              But the people from countries where porn is banned are a huge source of revenue for the sexual streamers, that’s the point of doing it on twitch

              • @sugar_in_your_tea
                12 months ago

                They should use a VPN. Or get creative . :)

                I don’t want to see adult content when I’m watching a stream a work or when my kids come ask me a question, so I want control over that. Splitting the app into groups where adult content is opt-in is a great way to do that.

                • @[email protected]
                  12 months ago

                  I’m just saying there’s a reason titty streamers are on a platform that is not for porn. There’s an audience of people who don’t use VPNs and can’t access porn, and it’s huge. So people will probably still try to access that audience on a safe for work only twitch like you’re suggesting.

                  • @sugar_in_your_tea
                    12 months ago

                    There’s an audience of people who don’t use VPNs and can’t access porn

                    It’s really not that hard, here are some options:

                    The first two are innocuous websites, but have access to porn. Kid me didn’t have any problem finding what I wanted on a “locked down” computer, and I’m sure people in repressive countries have options as well.

                    I highly doubt Twitch would be allowed in regions where the above doesn’t work.

        • Pika
          12 months ago

          I heard a big issue with this is usually payment providers, Visa being a big one that has blocked processing based off nudity before. If they did do it like this, they would keep their income on the main site but, they likely would lose the ability to have income sources outside of advertising (the ones that still will) on the nude friendly version. At that point they likely just would just drop the service anyway cause it wouldn’t be profitable for them.

          • @sugar_in_your_tea
            12 months ago

            I don’t see why they wouldn’t just have you buy credits or something. So you’d buy X “Twitch bucks,” which you could use for kids, regular, or adult parts of the site (the porn section, if it exists, could have a different payment system).

            • Pika
              2 months ago

              you already can buy twitch gift cards and they can be used for subs and bit purchases, the issue is getting that currency over to the explicit version of the site without getting the providers in a tizzy. The bottom line is they don’t want to be associated with content like that, so if they learn that it can be bought and then used for it they’ll threaten to pull the plug. They could try to use a different payment system with a vendor that has a higher broker fee but, there aren’t many out there, there’s a reason that VISA is seen everywhere.