• @fruitycoder
    03 months ago

    Dude what’s your point?

    Like I normally love going down the Libre rabbit hole, I love learning about Libre boots, firmware, ISAs, Hardware, p2p user own and operated networks, etc but what does that have to with the idea that Lemmy isn’t a for profit entity incentived to collect and sell user data?

    Where are trying to go with this?

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      So why do you keep avoiding admitting you are carrying a GPS tracker and complaining about epic tracking game time lmao

      It’s pretty obvious what my point is if you aren’t intentionally dense to cope with your reddit stance on free games.

      • @fruitycoder
        03 months ago

        Are pro both? Like do you think its good that most phones make money selling surveillance and Epic doing the same to give it competitive advantage over those that don’t?

        I’m against both personally, both are bad. I support GOG and l8bre games, I bought a librem 5, I support Tor, etc etc

        Because I try to act on my values. All that said, what I replied to was trying whataboutism Lemmy in this discussion but they represent a another fucking way besides being fucking carion for companies like Epic, Google, and Apple to fucking be torn apart and devoured for.