I want to hear your first hand experiences, and your reasonings behind liking or not liking the two sequels.

I’m asking this question because it’s come up many times over the years, I’ve literally never met anybody else who like the second or third matrix movies, but don’t think I’ve ever heard any argument against either movie that isn’t “the dancing scene is dumb”, “the architect is confusing” or " it’s not as good as the first matrix".

And none of those are expanded upon, it’s a short statement like that. And then you’re supposed to understand that because of the dancing or because the architects monologue was confusing, the other four hours of film should be disregarded.

Based on one or more of those brief barbs, everyone I’ve ever talked to virulently hates and disregards the sequels.

I liked reloaded and revolutions when they came out in the theater and I still like all three movies today.

I liked the fourth one also, but I’ve only seen it once and that might be because my expectations were so low(no fishburne?). A second screening is in order.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

I’m curious if there is another person who actually likes the sequels or if you don’t like the sequels, is there a reason outside of culturally unpopular 5 minute scenes ruining the entire rest of both movies for you?

  • Kernal64
    11 months ago

    There are dozens of us!

    I saw them both in the theaters opening weekend and I liked them a lot. Sure, having a pseudo wet T-shirt contest that’s about to turn into an orgy when you’re fighting for your survival is dumb, but it’s not dumb enough to ruin 2 movies. I actually didn’t find out that these movies were widely hated until years later from the Internet. My friend groups all liked them and I haven’t come across anyone who despised them in person anywhere near as much as I see people online being super down on them. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    • VarykOP
      11 months ago

      That’s great to hear.

      This is very much the camp I was in; I understood that my immediate friends didn’t like the movies, but it took a while before I connected the dots that I had literally never met a person who liked either of the sequels since I thought it was such a great trilogy altogether.