I am trying to do short presentations (3-5 slides) and would like my video (MacBook Air M2, if that’s of help) in the corner, explaining what’s on screen at the same time. The only audio would be from my headset or computer microphone.
Google Slides used to have the feature but I can’t find it anymore. The easier the better (so recording once rather than recording the video, then overlaying it on the slideshow would be better).
Apple Keynote - it’s super useful for this very scenario. It’s free on macOS too (made by Apple to rival PowerPoint). If you don’t already have it installed, you can find it in the App Store.
Add live video from your camera to a slide and then record the presentation.
You can style the live video box from a rectangle to a square or circle and you can even remove the background or change it to something else like a color or gradient.
You do everything in one take and you can move your live video box, animate it between sides, move it if you need to show content where the video was last and, yadda yadda. Very simple tool and I’ve used it for recording sick product demos for years.
MacMost have a great video on how you do all this.