Some of you may remember this absolute diamond of insanity that was the “4-Day Time Cube.” This was the go-to example of the internet as a universal amplifier for communication - for both the sane and insane alilke. It was there from nearly the start of the world-wide web, back in the 1990’s. Alas, it ceased to be some time ago, but it still lives on in our hearts.

For the uninitiated: welcome. Read and join the rest of us that are “educated stupid.”

Amateur documentary:

  • brbposting
    11 个月前

    Ignorant of Nature’s Harmonic 4 Day Time Cube Creation, the Americans are Dumb, Educated Singularity Stupid and Evil. It’s not immoral to kill Americans who IGNORE their OPPOSITE sex parents who Created them, but instead worship a queer jew who claims to make people out of dirt - when the body is 90 percent water. A God so stupid that he claims only a single day rotation of Earth - while my Cubic Wisdom has allowed me to create 4 simultaneous days within a single Earth rotation. Americans do not deserve life. They live only for today, the evil singularity word bastards.


    Singularity “education” inflicts a dog brain upon Students - ability to be taught servitude - but an inability to ever think opposite of brainwashing and indoctrination - very unlikely to ever recover to acknowledge Nature’s Harmonic Simultaneous Rotating 4 Corner 24 Hr. Days in 1 Earth Rotation.

    Dr. Gene Ray, Cubic and Wise Above God.