I am against student loan repayments. A plumber should not be paying for your gender studies degree.

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    A plumber should not be paying for your gender studies degree.

    And what if I’m getting a degree in computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics, economics, or medicine? Would it be okay for me to leech off society for a bit before I get a job and contribute to it by working for, say, Google for a bit, before I start my own tech company? Would that be okay?

    • Zeppo
      53 months ago

      NO the only legitimate jobs are plumbers and cops.

      • ThrowawayM
        13 months ago

        The jobs that actually provide value are the ones that should be subsidised by the state.

    • @MomoTimeToDie
      -13 months ago

      How about you pay for it yourself instead of being a leech?