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I’m not stuck on any of the rules in particular or even the pre generated world options, I just want to playtest this and see how well it works out!

  • Minimum/Maximum Writers: 3
  • Interval: 2 days/Every other day.
  • Minimum/Maximum Word Count: 300 per chapter
  • Number of Chapters: 5
  • Maximum Missed Chapters: 3
  • Other Content Expectations: None
  • Disallowed Content: Adult/sexual content or graphic violence
  • (Optional) Suggested World Combinations:

Option 1

Genre: Comedy Conflict: Person vs. supernatural Direction: Rebirth Elements: Political Intrigue, Anarchy, Starships Dynamic: id, ego, superego trio - strangers

Option 2

Genre: Action-Adventure Conflict: Person vs. society Direction: Rags to riches Elements: Trains, Tattoos, Robots/ Automatons Dynamic: Fighter, Mage, Thief trio - friends

Option 3

Genre: Historical Conflict: Person vs. person Direction: Rebirth Elements: Caravan, Werewolves, Western Dynamic: Maid, Mother, Crone (or Child-Adult-Elder) trio - friends

  • @abs_solution
    13 months ago

    Don’t exactly understand what you mean by “players” in the tittle, but I am interested in taking part in the creative process of whatever it is you’re doing, do send me a message for more details

    • @ApyteleOPM
      3 months ago

      So it’s kind of a game? Or like a LARP minus the live-action? Or dungeons and dragons but for people who like roleplaying but hate numbers?

      So you all create a world and vague story idea a a group (there’s prompts though like “write a tragedy with zombies, spaceships, and a laundromat”). Then you make characters to fit in that story. Then you write like 300 words a week (word count and timeframe could vary) based on the prompt from the editor (game master if you were playing a tabletop rpg).

      Here’s the prototype rules I made.