Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed a bill limiting civilian investigations by government-affiliated boards into the behavior of local law enforcement officers, including in Miami, St. Petersburg and Tampa.

The law, which takes effect in July, has consequences for civilian oversight panels that in more than 20 Florida counties and cities look into citizen complaints against officers by using public records and witness interviews and by auditing police investigations. Some boards, which make recommendations about discipline, were created by voters, others by government officials following policing controversies.

    • pelespiritOPM
      6 months ago

      What a beautiful state, I’m so sorry we can’t root out these racist, dictator wannabes. There is a lot of concern for all of the states that are going full on for trump still, but they seem to get the memos of what to do and follow it. Texas and Florida have strong leadership that is leading them down a very dark, insurrectionist, traitor, path.