Good morning,

Some of you may have experienced a small hiccup this morning (eastern time). I went ahead and upgraded our lemmy instance to 0.17.4. I also took this opportunity to make some small adjustments to the instance that required a restart of services. These changes were mainly related to increasing Federation worker count in hopes to decrease synchronization times with other instances. A small fix to help slow down the storage growth was also applied (limiting log sizes that get generated).

Everything should be back up now. In the future my goal is to be more transparent with scheduling downtime.

edit: updated link

  • @TheDudeOPMA
    171 year ago

    You are right, wrong link! I just updated it. Thanks for the heads up

    • @Barbarian
      1 year ago

      Thanks! Ah, so this is just a DB optimization patch. From the sounds of that changelog, all the big stuff is coming down the pipe in the next version. Presumably that’s when they’re finally turning off WebSockets.

      • @TheDudeOPMA
        111 year ago

        I believe the devs were saying that they were moving away from websockets in v0.18.0 which is scheduled to come out in a few weeks

        • @epyon22
          61 year ago

          Can confirm talked to some of the UI devs that’s a main focus right now