• Smaller web browsers are thriving in the EU thanks to the DMA’s choice screens.

  • Some lesser-known browsers have seen as much as a 250% increase since the DMA was implemented in March.

  • The US has yet to implement similar policies, but users in that market could still benefit from ripple effects caused by the EU’s DMA.

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    I don’t know, mate. I live in Europe and that’s what I hear from the media and on social platforms. Maybe it’s all false and you live in a land of unicorns…

    • southsamurai
      53 months ago

      Soooo, you don’t live in America, but you’re making claims about people in America doing something, based on second (or even third) hand information?

      Not exactly the best policy overall. Yeah, anecdotes are anecdotes, but boots on the ground is still better than binoculars from afar