• @reev
        -23 months ago

        Imo the ablist language was really unnecessary.

        • @[email protected]
          -53 months ago

          It’s not ablist to call someone what they are. I use ‘retarded’ to mean someone who is supposed to know better, not as a blanket term for legit disabilities.

          The explanation is simple: Virtually no babies/children are as quick as adults for the simple fact that their brains are smaller and less developed, and they have far less real world experience. Therefore everyone starts life tarded. If someone is choosing to be tarded as an adult, they are quite literally re-tarded, by choice. The derrogatory nature of the term is fully intended towards obstensively “normal” people.

          Retards NEED to do better. People with disabilities are probably already doing better applying themselves than any retard, unless their disability involves cripling self-loathing.

          • @reev
            13 months ago

            You know fully well what that term implies and that it’s offensive and you choose entirely not to care. I honestly thought Lemmy was better than this but I guess that’s truly on me. My bad.

            • @[email protected]
              -33 months ago

              Oh no, I meant to offend a terrible person!! The world has become so bad that bad people are told bad things! Oh the humanity!

              • @reev
                33 months ago

                It’s not about offending them, it’s about other people taking offense at the general use of that type of language. It’s unnecessary language, it has the potential to hurt random people that you aren’t even talking to and therefore I just think you’re lacking basic compassion to some extent.

                Sorry I’m being direct, you probably disagree but on the off chance you’re open to consider changing for the better I feel it’s worth the effort :) Enjoy your day

      23 months ago

      Where is this safety net? Is it in the room with us?

      • @[email protected]
        -73 months ago

        Its trillions of dollars, and many economically ignorat people do think there is room for everyone, but just ignore tens of trillions of unfunded liablities.