• catsarebadpeople
    162 months ago

    Wow that’s amazing! What business did you create and where did you get all the money to create it?

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      Sounds like a lawn care business. If I had to bet, lawn care. Probably worked three jobs one as a gas station manager, one mowing lawns, and the third… ?? Uber?

      It’s prob a good racket. We can’t ALL mow lawns tho.

      • @[email protected]
        -62 months ago

        Nope - considered lawns though. They make more initially than I do but harder to grow. No pun intended.

        Have worked retail - hated it, and won’t touch Uber.

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              Ugh, you don’t run a restaurant do you? I mean that takes capital too but I’ve heard of turn key type setups.

              You know like 90% of restaurants fail so that is not really super viable.

              • @[email protected]
                02 months ago

                Nope - restaurants take too much start up capital and I only cook for friends and family. Learning curve is too steep for my taste and most start with significant loans - I never saw the appeal to be honest. Turn key are franchises, and im a strong believer that franchises don’t belong in the service industry.

                90% of restaurants do fail, but 50% of all businesses fail in the first year, 90% by 5. The numbers are the same across the board - many of that first 50% never make a sale.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Don’t wanna dox myself, but to answer the second question working three jobs then 80-100 hour weeks for 4 years, missing out on birthdays, time with kids, weekends and three years without a single day off.

      I then have staff turn around and expect a bonus for doing an extra 4 hour shift they were paid for.

      When was the last time you took that risk?

        • @[email protected]
          242 months ago

          Sounds like they neglected their family so they can try and gaslight people into neglecting theirs for a business they don’t share the profit from…

          That, or like everyone else on the “100 hour grind,” they’re just a fuckin liar.

          • @[email protected]
            -182 months ago

            Unfortunate thing about the internet - no one ever actually knows for sure. Good thing is that other opinions and internet strangers don’t actually matter - I know where I am, and you know where you are.

            I’ll tell you now my staff make 25% more than the industry average with a number of non-standard perks, that last time I put a job advertisement up describing my company I had over 250 applications in a week, most saying they were sick of how they were treated and we sound much better, that my staff have flexibility and understanding that would get them fired at most other businesses. But that means shit in an internet conversation and most have already made their mind up about me.

            • catsarebadpeople
              142 months ago

              Good thing is that other opinions and Internet strangers don’t actually matter

              and I know where you are

              LOL. You’re a caricature of yourself. That’s an insane amount of cope.

            • @[email protected]
              122 months ago

              Ohh you’re one of the good ones, unlike those shiftless layabouts who want to be paid for doing more work

        • @[email protected]
          -192 months ago

          Sounds to me like I made an investment in my time and effort to give my family the best chance of financial success. Like I made a huge amount of sacrifice to get to where I am just for people who never tried or have any idea to tell me I only care about money and treat my staff like shit.

          Almost like its possible to get ahead without exploiting your staff, or being born into money, and no matter what you do people will always accuse you if being and asshole. Great thing about it is that no matter what people may accused me of - their opinions actually mean shit.

          • @[email protected]
            132 months ago

            But like… what amount of your employees’ generated profit is your sacrifice worth?

            When you look at the day to day, you’re not still sacrificing like you did those first couple of years. How do you decide when you’ve reached your return on investment?

            Like the meme conveys, employees are taking a risk on you as an employer, spending their time working up the ranks at your company, working in this career path instead of another.

            Bleh, nvm…. It’s almost always eat or be eaten w entrepreneur types. If the employees think they are worth more, then they should fight for it, if they don’t then it’s the employers duty to squeeze them for every penny of profit as can be extracted from their dumb lazy worthless asses.

            • @[email protected]
              -152 months ago

              I think what it boils down is to the agreement in place - agreement, not contract. My team are paid at a competitive rate, and in exchange I expect a certain amount of profitable work completed in that time. Expanding out of that general agreement is where much of these issues lie - my team expect secure work, but I also expect secure staff, and everyone needs to understand that isn’t always going to be the case.

              Why can my team decide to stop showing up one day without repercussions (because its illegal) yet I can’t drop them when we have a strong downturn? Why can’t I ask my team to increase productivity (because its too hard) yet expect pay increases when cost of living changes? Why can employees expect returns without risk?

              For the record, none of my team are dumb lazy asses and anyone who thinks they are shouldn’t be in business - they either aren’t and your a prick, or they are and you’re a useless boss for keeping them.

          • @[email protected]
            82 months ago

            No. people are responding incredulously because you said:

            There’s lots of 0 entry cost business. Problem is they exist because no one wants to do that work themselves.

            And then described the 0 entry cost business as:

            working three jobs then 80-100 hour weeks for 4 years, missing out on birthdays, time with kids, weekends and three years without a single day off.

            So either one or both statements are untrue, but either way, you sound like an ass, getting high off his own farts.

            • @[email protected]
              -22 months ago

              In that case - clarification. 0 entry cost to start and do, the additional investment was to grow to where I no longer need to be the person on site. I could fire my whole team, shut down the office, sell vehicles, only work the contracts that suit me on 40 hours and sit on 100k a year. But that is all I will ever do and get to. I won’t be able to try anything new, take time away or create the change i want in the world.

          • @[email protected]
            52 months ago

            If you’re happy that way and don’t look back regretful, good for you.

            However, it shouldn’t be necessary to work 100 h weeks, miss birthdays, quality time with family and friends etc. just for the chance of success. Needless to say how high the stakes are regarding mental and physical health and thinking about the effects on your social environment. The latter not just for you but especially for your kids.

            It’s a critical problem within the system we live in, if that’s what it takes for someone who doesn’t come from money.

            On the other matter:

            Almost like its possible to get ahead without exploiting your staff

            I think, as long as someone is profiting of someone else, and that relationship is not equally balanced, the one profiting more is exploiting the other. That’s a general opinion, not restricted to you.

            • @[email protected]
              -72 months ago

              Regretful, no. Do I wish I didn’t have to - absolutely, but I’m also aware that no one said I had to enjoy what it took. I lost ~5 years of events, but it gives me soo many more options for the rest of my life and that of my kids. I’m also aware that many others make these sacrifices just to stay where they are so yeah, worth it.