• @[email protected]
    521 year ago

    LMAO so this is 100% a Chinese propaganda website. Have you looked at the articles there? Not saying it’s true or not true. But first of all, this article is from 2021 and secondly I don’t buy Chinese propaganda.

    • P03 Locke
      121 year ago

      Exactly! Who the fuck is “Friday Everyday”? I tried to look up the web site on Wikipedia, and it doesn’t exist. All I saw was their own self-description here:

      FRIDAYEVERYDAY is the online arm of Friday Culture Ltd, a group of friends from Hong Kong who want to present our beloved city and country through the eyes of people who live here.

      ROFL, wow, okay. Actual Chinese propaganda.

      • Karyoplasma
        21 year ago

        Translation: “We are extremist fuckwits that nobody in our community likes, but we still think we are awesome because we lack self-reflection. Thus we put our idiocy on the internet because that’s cheap and easy!”

      • @[email protected]
        371 year ago

        Why on earth would you assume I consume US media, let alone what kind of US media I allegedly consume? Unlike you I actually was born and grew up in a dictatorship with actual state approved media. Your stupid comment is an insult to the victims of dictatorships everywhere.

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          It’s yog- he’s 100% a propagandist across multiple platforms. Whatever he posts you can safely assume is pure propaganda and only tangentially related to reality.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  -91 year ago

                  Maybe educate yourself on the subject then. A democracy is a government that works in the interest of the majority and is held accountable to the people of the country. A government like that would ensure that everybody had food, housing, healthcare, education, jobs, and retirement the way USSR did and the way none of western “democracies” seem to be able to.

                  • @[email protected]
                    71 year ago

                    Maybe educate yourself on the subject then

                    This is such a disengenuous statement dripping with derision. Honestly trotting out this glib phrase is a clear declaration that you’re not interested in a good faith discussion.

                    A democracy is a government that works in the interest of the majority and is held accountable to the people of the country.

                    The vast majority of people in “shithole western countries” would say that this is true of their government. I’m not sure that’s true for people living in the USSR.

                    everybody had food, housing, healthcare, education, jobs, and retirement the way USSR did

                    We have all of those things. Sure they’re not directly provided by the government, but the government develops legislation to ensure that the overwhelming majority of citizens have great access to those things. The idea of a food shortage in Australia is unheard of. Was that true of the USSR?

                  • @[email protected]
                    51 year ago

                    You are really delusional and a liar. I do not believe for one second you grew up in the USSR, not one nano second. If you were present during that that period you would have noticed that these proud USSR population did not walk but ran towards the west and all the things they really wanted. Not what USSR barely could provide (remember the lines before shops? No you don’t, you were not there) but what the west could and would provide. You casually forgot that. Well, you could not forget little liar as you lied about being alive and present in that period.

                    I was and I call you out: liar!

              • @andyquest
                71 year ago

                Always shocked to see how debilitating of a mental illness tankie brain is

                  • @andyquest
                    41 year ago

                    You should re read your own comment that I’m responding to. You weren’t exactly making a point, lmfao. Truly mental illness bruv

                  • @yata
                    41 year ago

                    Here is the projection. When faced with your own methods you are quick to point out the bad faith which you yourself have systematically applied in every single comment in this very thread.

              • @yata
                51 year ago

                And here is the whataboutism. Instead of replying to the question you attempt to deflect by pointing fingers. Again, typical of your bad faith behaviour.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  -51 year ago

                  Very on the nose for you to use a logical fallacy as a form of argument. Comparing democracy in USSR to the available alternatives is precisely how you determine the quality of the democracy.

              • @goat
                11 year ago

                You’re living in a western shithole, Dmitri :c

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              -21 year ago

              After USSR collapsed life got very hard, and my family ended up moving around a lot to make ends meet. I don’t think people in the west understand the kinds of horrors we had to live through after the collapse. I can tell you a personal anecdote where we started to have food shortages, and people would line up in front of a grocery store early in the morning like a black friday sale. Then people working at the store would just wheel out a cart with whatever they had and people would rush to grab what they could. Since I was a small kid at a time, I could weave between people easier to get to the food. I was literally risking my life getting trampled just so I wouldn’t starve for the day.

              Anybody who cheers the collapse of USSR and claims it was a good thing is a piece of human garbage.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                I see, that’s pretty traumatic. It explains your hatred of the post-USSR regime.

                Would you move back if a post Putin leader would revert back to the USSR ways?

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  -31 year ago

                  I was pretty happy with my life in USSR, so I definitely would move back if that was to happen. However, I don’t really see a path towards that in the foreseeable future. Russia is very much capitalist nowadays, and I don’t think there’s any real political will to go back to a communist system at the moment. That said, there is no stigma against communism within Russian public. Lots of people who grew up in USSR are still alive today, and they overwhelmingly prefer the old system. They obviously have influence on the younger generation as well, so communism is generally seen in a positive light in Russia. Perhaps now that Russia is falling into Chinese sphere of influence that may result in a similar model at some point.

                  I think it’s also worth acknowledging that USSR did collapse, so clearly it wouldn’t make sense to try and recreate the same system. What needs to happen is that people need to look critically at what USSR did well, and what the problems were to build a better system informed by that experience. I hope that happens within my lifetime, but you can never know what the future will hold.

      • @yata
        81 year ago

        Get out of here with that strawman. None of the comments you replied to implied anything of the sort. It is very typical of your bad faith MO though.

      • APassenger
        1 year ago

        I don’t look for you, but you’re never far away.

        This is another example of you being glib and acting like you know a person and their failings with profoundly little evidence.

        If you want to be taken seriously at all, work on being able to draw clear conclusions from a body of evidence and then be able to use rhetoric well.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          -81 year ago

          You know you could have replied with the exact same reply to the parent comment, yet you chose to reply to this one. Curious.

          • APassenger
            61 year ago

            I don’t see them being glib on every 10th thread I click through.

            That distinction is entirely yours.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              -81 year ago

              If people make idiotic comments then they shouldn’t expect generous replies. I don’t ever make any glib comments when somebody makes a respectful reply that’s on topic. Respect is earned.