Violence erupted at the University of California, Los Angeles after pro-Israeli counter-demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestinian campus encampment. Bubbling tensions on the campus boiled over following the alleged breach of a “buffer zone” between the rival groups.

  • @[email protected]
    -772 months ago

    But we mustn’t have evil guns!! The police will protect us, I’m certain of it!

    Liberals will never, ever prevail against the fascists unless they pull their collective head out of their collective ass. News flash kids: The fascists are perfectly willing to use violence. And they know you are not.

    • @[email protected]
      592 months ago

      So let me make sure I understand your point: the pro-Palestinian protestors should have opened fire and killed the counter-protestors?

        • @[email protected]
          102 months ago

          Yeah, what’s wrong with killing people? As long as you have an excuse that’s good enough for you, you should always be able to kill as many people as you can. /s

        • @Eol
          2 months ago

          It’s going to happen eventually. Regardless of what the current protested issue is. It’s probably a natural inevitable next step. Hope things unfuck themselves before that though.

          • Որբունի
            42 months ago

            I also find it very sad that it is turning sour but I find comfort in the fact that most of the fascist thugs I’ve seen are cowards who only find the courage to be violent in overwhelming force and numbers imbalances. Peaceful students who are known to not own guns are easy targets.

    • @[email protected]
      262 months ago

      Uh, are you suggesting the students should’ve shot the pro-genocide protestors?

      This is an example of a scenario where guns absolutely could not solve the problem. They weren’t calling the police over to shoot the counter-protestors…

      There are very, very few situations that can actually be resolved with a gun.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        I have seen a lot of shalafi’s comments in the past and I think the answer to that question is “yes.”

      • Liz
        -12 months ago

        Nah. You have to do it right, that’s all. Everyone mudt show up in plate armor open carrying fighting rifles. This is what the right has done, and more importantly it also has worked for the left (see: protecting drag queens from right wing protests). You don’t instigate shit. Just stand there. If you’re heavily armed, out in the open, and peaceful, the cops and counter protests can’t make up an excuse to start shit, and they are extremely unmotivated to do so.

    • @[email protected]
      102 months ago

      This is an uninstructive conversation. We do not need this sort of shit stirring about this topic because it is important.

      Do not show up to a protest with a gun either alone or unannounced. Thats just Rittenhouse behaviour. Be a part of a militia or with some group, and contact the event organizers before arriving. They’ll probably tell your group to wait in a near by location and to be called when needed.

      Also getting beat up is the point of these protests. Columbia unreasonably responded with violence against their own students and faculty. It was a total blunder that they made habitually. Making them fascists drop their masks for everyone to see is the goal here.

    • Kalkaline
      62 months ago

      Ask Mark Hughes about what happens when you show up armed to a protest.

    • @SuddenDownpour
      32 months ago

      What would have the police and the media done after that?

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Michael Reinoehl killed a fash, then the police executed him in a suburban neighborhood. There’s no scenario where a leftwing person kills a fascist in self defense and their police buddies say it was a good shooting.