• @[email protected]
    3151 month ago

    My son is trans. Please vote for Joe Biden so he can have the protections he needs and I don’t have to stay up at night worrying about him.

    • @[email protected]
      1361 month ago

      I am very good friends with a trans women who I worked with for a number of years. She is seriously considering leaving the US because of this bullshit. So yes, please vote for Biden.

      Also, I hope you son is doing well! It’s a hell of a process.

      • Lemminary
        541 month ago

        My best friend is trans and he’s considering doing the same. It’s so bullshit that he has to leave an entire life behind because the conservatwats are so hateful.

        • @[email protected]
          111 month ago

          It’s slightly comforting to think that after they’ve forced every group out of the country with their hatred and vitriol, they’ll eventually start eating themselves.

      • @[email protected]
        361 month ago

        Most people are unable to flee the U.S. Most countries will not simply accept someone without meeting specific criteria.

        • Flying Squid
          141 month ago

          I wouldn’t be shocked, though, if at least one or two countries would accept trans asylum seekers.

      • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
        211 month ago

        I want to leave the US but I honestly don’t know how. I have no idea if I have any skills that’d let me get hired by a non-us company, which is kinda what’s necessary to immigrate to another country, right?

        • @[email protected]
          131 month ago

          Level of strictness and skill depends on the country. Start researching so you know what’s needed.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          there’s also the idea that you go to a college, possibly a community college, and then transfer to an out of country college for the degree, which I have heard is a great way to be able to live in a country, acclimate, and work from there

        • @[email protected]
          -71 month ago

          You can leave the US, open entrepreneurship in the other country, and have a remote contract between this legal entity and a US company.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      931 month ago

      Friendly reminder that everyone who believes in accelerationist BS is privileged af.

      Looking at you, Hexbear… and Lemmy.ml people who deleted my comments yesterday calling out Hexbear as tankies

      Sadly, the behavior isn’t limited to certain instances though

        • @prayer
          231 month ago

          The idea that we cannot have real change without some for of revolution, so we should make things go to their extreme, and cause some kind of cultural revolution.

          • @[email protected]
            81 month ago

            I see. I understand that as a path, but that seems like the “option of last resort” to me, and these guys want to make it the proposed one?

            • @[email protected]
              141 month ago

              Fake communists. Hexbears. It’s just Anarchy, but the “fuck everything” type of anarchy.

              I understand the frustration and desire to burn everything down, but I just think that’s lazy and won’t end up working at all.

              • @[email protected]
                61 month ago

                Those are just nihilist. Actual anarchist generally aren’t the fuck shit up kind. Those are generally angsty young teens with very little understanding.

                You are however 100% right about lemmy.ml. hexbear and Lemmygrad. They are all Marxist leninist. Which was an ill-conceived transitory authoritarian style anti communist government that was supposed to facilitate the build up to and transition to communism. But not communist itself. Which has failed everywhere it’s ever been tried. Much like capitalism if you go by it’s stated goals and ideals.

                They love to blather on and on and on about communism and how great and wonderful it would be. And it would be. But everything they do is actually in opposition to it so they are very much fake/ performatory communists.

                • @[email protected]
                  61 month ago

                  To be politely pedantic, while I agree generally, in the defense of nihilists, not all of them want to actively burn it down. They just don’t care and nothing matters. It’s the unique combination of anger and anti-establishment that makes the type of person we are talking about. And if they care enough to burn it down, I’d argue they can’t be a nihilist by definition.

                  • @[email protected]
                    61 month ago

                    That’s absolutely a fair assessment. My biggest issue was the way anarchism is most commonly misrepresented and used. Of which I absolutely used to be one of those people. So it’s not a dig at anyone in particular. Just trying to help us be a little more accurate in things. But you’re absolutely correct to point out that that isn’t all nihilists either.

                • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
                  41 month ago

                  I hate that “Marxism-Leninism” refers to the brand of communism and socialism that Stalin practiced. It should be called “Stalinism”. From the little I know about Marx and Lenin is that Marx had some good ideas and while Lenin had some bad policies, he also had a genuine interest in trying to do what was best for Russia. Meanwhile Stalin let millions starve.

                  Also Marxist-Leninism is doomed to fail imo. I believe that in order for socialism to truly succeed, you must ensure that the world’s leading countries practice socialism; or at least ensure that your country is capable of fulfilling every step in the supply chain for any given good for now and the future, either by itself or via allies. Attempting to do it on your own like Marxist-Leninism suggests, is a road to failure because capitalism will attempt to starve you (and likely succeed at doing so).

                  Capitalism is inherently opposed to socialism because the true end game of capitalism is for an individual, or group of individuals, to own everything. However, they can’t own everything if a country’s culture is opposed to that form of selfishness. Additionally, the capitalist’s peasants might get funny ideas if they see a country based on mutual goodwill succeeding. Stalin played right into the hands of capitalists. He deserves to have the inherently flawed and doomed-to-fail ideology named after him.

                  Fuck, I barely got any sleep last night and I can’t tell if I’m being coherent or not. Additionally, now I have a conspiracy theory that this was all intentional. Tying a form of socialism that was oppressive and doomed to fail to Marx and Lenin was an intentional move by capitalists to conflate Stalin’s garbage with a legitimate desire and attempt to create a better world. By doing so, you create the belief that even Lenin and Marx supported oppression and that oppression is therefore inherently a part of socialism and communism. As such, by calling themselves Marxist-Leninists, they are falling into a trap created by capitalists to defame such ideologies like communism and socialism.

                  Also I wanted to make a comment about how capitalism is like economic heroin or something: extremely enticing and addictive; but I’ve got no clue where to put it.

                  • @[email protected]
                    41 month ago

                    It’s fair to call it stalinism / maoism etc. And I also dislike associating Marx that closely with them. The Marx parts of Marxism are pretty tough to have issue with. Engles, Lenin, Stalin, Mao etc are where a lot of the backward reductive and damaging stuff comes from. But it’s about hitting them where they live. And these days they identify as ML.

                    And yeah I agree. Despite making wildly flawed ideology I absolutely believe Engels and Lenin had good intentions. And despite all of them, including Stalin. Russia absolutely had successes. I can’t say it was enough to out weigh the failures. Similar things can be said about China too. Though xi jinping will mark the end of all that.

                    The last bit, I don’t think I can go in for. If it was capitalists calling them ML and them calling themselves something else then perhaps. But it’s what they largely self identify as. The thing to remember however, is that it’s the ideas that are important. Not necessarily the names. Would Marx want to be associated with future systems based on his concepts? Sure. Would he not want it implemented without his name. That I doubt.

          • @[email protected]
            51 month ago

            No, it’s people who think accelerating the country into a hyper capitalist fascist hellhole will lead to the accelerated collapse of the capitalist system. Then revolution will bring the promised land to them. Of course they don’t realize that collapse isn’t necessarily guaranteed.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        Hey not everyone from ml is a dipshit. Some of us just stumbled into ml because it was a stable and popular instance when we joined.

        Hexbear on the other hand? I don’t think you would just accidentally join that place, at least not without getting banned the first time you say something against their pro fascist hive mind.

        • @[email protected]OPM
          01 month ago

          I just had another comment on ml deleted today for saying some people on ml are bootlickers. Becoming less and less of a fan lately

    • Fire Witch
      1 month ago

      I’ve been a trans woman for 10 years and an immigrant for much longer. This is one of the worst existential threats I’ve faced. I have had to sit down and discuss serious contingency plans with my partner if he wins because there is no chance I’m sticking around.

      I just want to exist dammit. I’m tired of being persecuted for simply existing.

    • Flying Squid
      461 month ago

      People don’t realize (and some people just outright refuse to admit) that we are in the middle of a genocide of trans people. Trump will make that so much worse.


      I wish your son, my daughter’s best friend who is trans, and all the other trans people in this country the best life. That won’t happen if Trump gets in.

    • @Aurenkin
      1 month ago

      But they are both the same

      - some asshole