• @[email protected]
      242 months ago

      Cis women and trans women have been found to have comparable performance in sports. Generally, cis women have an advantage over trans women.

      I’m sure that you’ll be objective and apply the same reasoning against cis women now that you know they have a physical advantage over other women.

        • @[email protected]
          122 months ago

          What the hell are you on about?

          You know what, go ahead and list these record settings. I want to see them.

          Omit “school record” or any regional / divisional / age related records. Those get set and broke constantly. Show me ACTUAL records. World records. Professional league records.

          • Stern
            132 months ago

            Insofar as I know, there’s been two trans folk to make it to the Olympics. One is Quinn, AFAB soccer midfielder who is nb. Their team won gold in the 2020 Olympics.

            The other is Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand, who was competing in weightlifting, which I think we can agree is either the most ideal or close to the most ideal situation for conservatives and TERF’s to push their nonsense takes wrt trans folks in sports. Laurel failed her three lift attempts and placed last in her group.

            I think anyone would be hard pressed to say in either of those two cases the trans person was malicious or “cheating” somehow.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              Thanks. It was a genuine question. I’ve never heard of a single trans person who has set such a record.

              Every time I hear stuff on the news it’s “Trans girl shatters high school record”. Given that there are basically thousands of possible records per grade per school, I would absolutely expect a few records to be set by trans girls. The thousands of records set per year by cis girls goes unrecognized and unreported.

              Whenever cis girls succeed, they’re ignored. Whenever transgender people succeed, they’re punished. Whenever they fail, they’re still punished.

              • Stern
                11 month ago

                Wikipedia ID’s them as trans, so they’re on the very short list of trans olympic athletes.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 month ago

                  That may be but since they haven’t done any chemical transition it’s entirely irrelevant. What all these shitlords get up up in arms about is MTF.

                  • Stern
                    1 month ago

                    I was listing “trans athlete in the Olympics” though, not “trans athlete in the Olympics who has done chemical transition”.

                    I thought my wording was fairly clear. Sorry if you got confused somehow.

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          That must be why we’ve repeatedly seen instances where trans women set records within the women’s category of their respective sport! Because it’s all equal and impossible for a trans woman to have an advantage.

          Name three.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Of the dozen or so times when a top ranked female tennis player played either a much lower ranked or handicapped male player, I think the male lost only once (1973 King vs Riggs, through there are claims that Riggs threw the match).

        There exist sports where having XX chromosome is not a disadvantage. Male and female equestrians have been competing against each other in the Olympics since the modern Olympics began.

        The issue of gender and ‘what makes a woman a woman’ in sports is not new. There are plenty of cases of men pretending to be women and claiming top prizes. I don’t envy the officials who have to do gender tests , as there are many people who are neither XX or XY.

        EDIT: now that I’ve had some time to go though my sources a little better, I should correct a couple things. According to the Wikipedia article, females have won more than a couple matches against males, though all of those matches involved either a handicap or a much lower ranked male. The Williams sisters themselves only claimed they could beat any male outside the top 200 (but they both lost by a wide margin in friendly sets to #203).

        Male and Female equestrians have only been competing against each other since 1952, and not since the beginning of the modem Olympics.

    • @funkless_eck
      2 months ago

      “The entire reason for women’s sports is…”

      …is actually because they were banned from playing sports until 1974, and then when allowed starting beating some men’s teams and the men bellyached about it.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        Personally, I have competed in powerlifting, one sport that has gotten attention in the press for not letting trans women compete with cis women, particularly after a trans woman beat out other cis women by huge margin in competition.

        I will let the ladies know that the only reason they’re in their own division is actually because of oppression and they should have no issue competing against men.

        • @funkless_eck
          12 months ago

          That is the case in modern sports science, yes, but the interesting thing - at least to me is - that’s not what happened in real life.

          That may be the case now but that is not how it came to be.