• prole
    15 days ago

    Israeli “settlers” have been stealing land from Palestinian families that have lived there for generations. For decades.

    I agree that Jewish people as a whole aren’t guilty, but the type that go into other people’s homes, on other people’s land in other people’s countries are the same type that carry AR-15s when marching into a village in the West Bank to say, “this is mine now.” Fuck those people.

    It’s ok to call the Proud Boys shit without damning the entire US population.

    • @[email protected]
      15 days ago

      So then you are agreeing with my heavily downvoted opinion.

      We don’t judge a people by their nation state. That’s how atrocities get normalized.

      • prole
        115 days ago

        Where did I judge these people by their nation state? I’m judging them based on their actions.

        This behavior is very reminiscent of the behavior of Israeli “settlers” in the West Bank, and I was pointing out that comparison.

        I judge the nation of Israel, which is democratic with mandatory conscription (i.e. brainwashing every Israeli adult into believing Palestinians are literally subhuman) for creating these people. But in a democratic system, the people aren’t entirely blameless.

        And no it’s not the same as Hitler, he was (barely) elected and then seized power and did away with the democracy, so it’s not like the German people could have just voted him out (not that they would have).

        We (humans) have already settled this anyway. Read The Banality of Evil to understand why the German people are absolutely not blameless, and it’s perfectly acceptable to criticize them as individuals.

          • prole
            13 days ago

            It’s like you didn’t even read the first two sentences.