[Image Description]: A meme in the style of anti-piracy ads stating the following:

You wouldn’t pirate a game you already paid for to be able to play it again since the company stopped supporting it and no longer sells it

  • @[email protected]
    81 month ago

    The US version of it recommends the DGCCRF which is exclusive to France or visitors thereof

    Because it’s PRIMARILY about The Crew, sold by Ubisoft, a French company.

    There is no US push to stop killing games like they’re doing in other countries because it’s impossible without lobbying money, which they don’t have.

    • Pika
      1 month ago

      yea i figured the reason might be similar to that, too bad the US just doesn’t care about consumer rights, I just find it weird they bother mentioning it on the US page if the US can’t actually use it