• [email protected]
    15627 days ago

    Conservative comments on this joyous event can be divided into three groups.

    Group 1: how dare the government do this to our golden god!?

    Group 2: this is good for Trump’s campaign for reasons

    Group 3: the demonrats are going to say mean things about us

    Note that none of these are “oh man, I might have been wrong to support him.” The complete absence of regret coupled with severe delusions around trump are more than slightly distressing in the long term.

    • @[email protected]
      2627 days ago

      I overheard my relatives today saying how dare they convict him of anything when our corrupt president hasn’t been charged with anything.

      I really wanted to remind them that before they sold their soul to Trump they wanted every politician to be arrested and tried. Suddenly a politician is tried and they have second thoughts…

    • @[email protected]
      27 days ago

      Admitting you were wrong is like really, really, really hard man. Takes a grown ass man to admit to one’s mistakes. But here we are, a bunch of manchildren and people who have drunk the cool aid and are beyond reasoning.

    • @[email protected]
      1727 days ago

      The lady in the article said she might change her mind about voting for him if he was convicted of election interference. Like he just was, mean not exactly but the reason it was a felony was due to the election campaign. Least if I understood correctly, otherwise they’d have been misdemeanors. Or something like that anyways.

      • @[email protected]
        627 days ago

        Presumably there is the sort of person who doesn’t trust the news but does trust the justice system ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • @[email protected]
      1027 days ago

      There are definitely many people out there who will change their vote based solely on today’s outcome. How important an effect this will have remains to be seen.

    • @explodicle
      927 days ago

      People rarely change their minds on politics all of a sudden because they have new information. This shit goes deep. At best they’ll slowly figure it out in a way that makes them feel smart.

    • @[email protected]
      826 days ago

      When people are this far into a cult of personality, it’s not a court ruling in their imaginary conspiracy-filed world that would change a thing.