• 95 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • The value of political discourse and dissent is inherent to the act, with it being a nearly universal litmus test for oppression. But actions with effect are a better option, always. Organizing, organizing, organizing! Ambient dissent is a great base to build off of, but it’s just the building blocks set properly, and there’s plenty already. Stack higher!

  • No, I had my own phone. My friend would use their burner’s pseudoanonymity on prank texts and calls before permanently discarding it. Which is funny on two counts. Firstly, because they’d largely contact the same numbers, nullifying the burner‘s obfuscation, and secondly, so consistently did they do this that the jokes were more matter of fact than surprising.

  • What made you jump to corrcion? That’s a strangely massive leap. No, I’m just pointing out the absence of details and the thorough understanding of the reason for their absence. And within that void sit additional moral questions. Was she strapped for cash? Was she an addict? Was this just another Tuesday? Was she fully aware of the situation and its implications?

    While sex workers range in mental health, like everyone else, they are also a fringe group with unique challenges that tend to create higher than average stress and poorer mental health. Did they backpage it? Was she solicited on the street? Was it a trip to brothel? Each one has a different implication and each one has a unique likelihood of drugs dependence, mental health disorder, extreme poverty, or undesirable living situation that might guide them toward agreeing or disagreeing to commit a felony. None of which was explicitly stated, because offering details of your underage sex crimes is just going to attract undesirable attention. Regardless of how warranted it was, it was still prosecutable and, therefore, best left vague for both the friends and the woman.

    I didn’t realize how rare an understanding of the state of sex workers in the US is among the populace. If you’re in the US, I recommend volunteering with community groups and hospitals to gain some amount of firsthand perspective, if you have the capacity. We can always use the help!

  • Anon got it backwards, networks noticed how profitable Netflix was and bumped the price for Netflix to stream their stuff. Netflix responded by producing their own content rather than leasing others’ at exorbitant rates. Then Netflix later got greedy and bumped their prices, lowered their quality, and cancelled all of their good shows.