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Poll after poll has shown President Joe Biden behind—down slightly in the “blue wall” states of the industrial Midwest, and more substantially in the Sun Belt. His approval rating has been stuck not at just under 50 percent—the historic marker of whether incumbents get reelected—but at about 40 percent, occasionally even less. It’s been that way for nearly a year and a half. And the age issue is still very real.

  • ryathal
    4 months ago

    Part of it is the effect where people perceive 79 as much less than 80.

    Part of it is just Biden doesn’t do much, especially compared to Trump. Trump is constantly in front of cameras and saying all kinds of shit, when he’s not on camera, he’s tweeting. That makes him seem younger than the guy who isn’t as constantly visible.

    Both being too old and awful choices is by far the most popular opinion though.