• @Lucidlethargy
      5325 days ago

      They kind of have. That’s why they chose the bear.

    • @[email protected]
      -1025 days ago

      You mean yourself, right? If you relate to what these people are doing enough to lump yourself in with them, keep the rest of us normal people out of your generalisation.

      • @[email protected]
        1025 days ago

        Yeah getting angry and defensive in the comments of this story of all stories will sure show them different huh?

        • @[email protected]
          -525 days ago

          Ah yes, because calling all men rapists and dangerous is not offensive and angry. Have you ever attempted to touch grass?

          • @[email protected]
            24 days ago

            He straight up didn’t call all men rapists and dangerous, he said:

            I feel like women have every right to just give up on us men

            I feel like I’d give up on eating pasta if one out of every ten had a big shard of glass in it. Doesn’t take every one having a shard of glass.

            • @[email protected]
              -425 days ago

              The bear isn’t 1 out of 10. It’s 5 out of 10. Conservative estimate.

              Yet, because of your talking point which implies that men are worse than bears, due to the implicit argument you’re conveniently ignoring about some men being rapists (1 out of 10, remember?), you’d pick 50/50 odds of literally dying.

              It’s just a misandrist talking point. Not rational. Purely emotional and made to create dissent and division. It’s inherently offensive to the 9/10 other, innocent men lumped in with the choice.

              The typical crack back is that if you’re offended, you’re somehow part of the problem, a typical manipulation technique just to shut up opposition, because it’s not saying anything, just pointing fingers.

              This whole thing is a big joke at the expense of men all over.

              • @[email protected]
                625 days ago

                you’d pick 50/50 odds of literally dying.

                Dude you have told people to touch grass and you think running into a black bear means you have a 50/50 chance of dying? Bwahahaha. Why yes, I’d rather startle a black bear than be alone in the woods with a guy.

                Touch -and I can not emphasize this enough: Grass.

                It’s just a misandrist talking point. Not rational. Purely emotional and made to create dissent and division. It’s inherently offensive to the 9/10 other, innocent men lumped in with the choice.

                As we all know women have a “this dude is a rapist” detector and “this dude is an abuser” detector, where we can easily distinguish between men who are threats and men who aren’t. Rape and DV only happen when we are waiting for the detectors to get back from regular maintenance or repair.

                • @[email protected]
                  25 days ago

                  I didn’t say black bear. Try polar bear for odds? I just took the combined bear odds. You’re just an idiotic troll.

                  Funny extra, notice how you only focus on the worst men, and the best bear. Almost like your argument would fall apart otherwise

                  • @[email protected]
                    25 days ago

                    Lmao it is incredibly unlikely to run into a polar bear in the mainland US. Much less likely than running into a violent man.

                    Funny extra, notice how you only focus on the worst men, and the best bear.

                    Nah we are talking averages and uncertainty that exists in a low information scenario.

              • @[email protected]
                325 days ago

                I think I’ll take my chances with the bear over you specifically. I know it won’t lecture me for getting away from it

                  • @[email protected]
                    324 days ago

                    Oh my god I’m so sorry sir please tell me how my entire gender is always wrong about you specifically! And about our local wildlife. I definitely haven’t spent my entire childhood taught how to avoid bear attacks (and man attacks, but for some reason those lessons went on past childhood). I definitely just assumed I’d run instead of do what I was taught to do when hiking as a kid.

            • @[email protected]
              -425 days ago

              What even is the bear argument if not that? In fact I’ve seen that written multiple times as the justification.

                • @[email protected]
                  24 days ago

                  It would require putting himself in the headspace of women. And listening and empathizing with women. Completely unviable for him at this point in time, and will continue to be so long as he values protecting his own fragile masculine position over genuine human connection

      • @[email protected]
        25 days ago

        Would you let 10 deadly snakes into your home if only 1 would bite you? How about 9?

        Anyway while you’re weighing that I’m going to be somewhere else doing lesbianism as someone who is bi but refuses to deal with men’s bullshit.

        • @[email protected]
          -825 days ago

          As someone who doesn’t give a fuck about you or your individual experiences, I say you sure are arrogant for assuming any man would be interested in you.

          • @[email protected]
            525 days ago


            Oh that’s a good one. Let me get into why it is funny

            As someone who doesn’t give a fuck about you or your individual experiences,

            I say you sure are arrogant for assuming any man would be interested in you.

            The lack of self awareness. Note how these two ideas can exist in his head at the same time.

            I say you sure are arrogant for assuming any man would be interested in you.

            I just directly said I would prefer if men weren’t. You mean this as some sort of insult but it’d be a relief if actually true!

            Also, the idea that this is the best insult you can come up with, the idea of men being uninterested in me. A real poverty of imagination here.

            Anyway, thanks for the chuckle.

            • @[email protected]
              -425 days ago

              You clearly think about men all the time if you have enough time to defend your worthless talking point on lemmy.

              My argument wasn’t contradictory, if you just stop and think about it. Yes I don’t give a fuck as in your singular experience doesn’t paint a larger picture.

              And yes I do hope no one would be burned by getting interested in someone as toxic as you clearly are.

              • @[email protected]
                25 days ago

                You clearly think about men all the time if you have enough time to defend your worthless talking point on lemmy.

                Yes, do you think because I don’t sleep with or date men, men and how to interact with men has been purged from my brain? I still need to interact with male coworkers, strangers, acquaintances, friends, metamours, etc. Lmao. Are your forehead veins throbbing right now?

                I say you sure are arrogant for assuming any man would be interested in you.

                And yes I do hope no one would be burned by getting interested in someone as toxic as you clearly are.

                Wait are you equating men with all people here? Lmao.

                • @[email protected]
                  -124 days ago

                  And not once did you run away calling them all rapists while going to fetch a bear? Wow. Almost like your entire “I’d pick a bear” thing is a misandrist’s wet dream.

                  • @[email protected]
                    123 days ago

                    And not once did you run away calling them all rapists while going to fetch a bear?

                    Why are you continuing to get mad at this strawman?