What I have learned:

  • Russia has already won the Ukraine war
  • Which NATO started
  • A lot of people in the West think that Ukraine should surrender
  • Also Ukraine was the world’s main provider of CSAM
  • Also Ukraine is exploited by the West but if they can unite with Russia then their economy and everything else will finally be alright

It’s literally like a bizarro world and everyone is over there agreeing with it. I’m genuinely confused by, who even are these people (what is the mixture of Russian bots / Russian-aligned ordinary people / confused Westerners / some other explanation.)

  • YeetPics
    30 days ago

    If Canada or Mexico wanted to make ties with China that’s their perogative.

    America doesn’t get to dictate the affairs of it’s neighbors.

    I wouldn’t dedicate my free time to screeching ‘death to Canada’ and being a dipshit to everyone who doesn’t share a carbon copy of my faulty perspective.

    • @[email protected]
      -230 days ago

      I’m not asking what you want the US to do, I’m asking what do you think the US would do.

      • YeetPics
        126 days ago

        Let me check my crystal fucking ball.

        Ffs you’re dense.

      • @[email protected]
        -229 days ago

        Just saw this thread, sorry for chiming in.

        The US would do like Russia or China does, act as a reactionary. They’re all untrustworthy and aggressive.

        It both makes sense that Russia is afraid of countries joining NATO and that he countries are joining because of Russia.

    • Zyratoxx
      -329 days ago

      Ngl the US would react quite pissed just like it reacted during the Cuba crisis.

      Placing nuclear warheads in range of enemy cities is OK, but when the enemy wants to place their nuclear warheads in range of my cities as a reaction it’s a cause for nuclear war.

      And the US has overthrown quite a lot of governments for their own interests (starting with the banana wars and later extending to anti-communism and oil), so toppling the Mexican / Canadian government to get them back on track actually isn’t far fetched.

      But I agree with your last point. Even tho I don’t like the US I’d never make opposing the US at all cost even if I have to side with literal fascists & mass murders my main purpose of life. Out of China, Russia, Iran and the US, the US is the lesser evil (at least for now… Idk what MAGA is up to)