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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Stock-Camera462 on 2023-07-04 21:52:42+00:00.

I (22f) am a nanny for 18 month old triplets. I absolutely adore them and love being their nanny but it’s not always the easiest job. Last week I took them to the library for toddler singalong/playtime, while I was there the mother texted to ask me if there was any chance I could swing by Wegmans to pick up a couple of items for dinner that their delivery order had missed. This is typically not a common task for me, as it tends to be a hassle bringing 3 toddlers into a grocery store, (usually they get groceries delivered, curbside pickup, or I’ll stay home with the trips while a parent ships) but I definitely don’t mind every now and then.

The parking lot was somewhat full when I got there but there were two empty spots next to the handicapped spots that said “reserved for expectant mothers or parents of young children.” There were two spots open and there weren’t many spots in a similar close vicinity to the entrance, so I parked in one figuring that it was okay since I had 3 toddlers with me. Moments after I parked, a woman pulled into the remaining reserved spot (she had an infant).

As I was just finished getting the triplets out, a woman with three kids (I would guess ages 5, 7, and 10?) was walking past and stopped to asked if the babies were triplets (EXTREMELY common question I get asked while in public with them) and commented on how cute they are. She then said that I don’t look like I’ve carried triplets and I don’t even look old enough to be a mom. Can’t say I was surprised here because I do regularly receive weird/invasive comments in public from people who assume I’m their mom. I just did my typical “Haha I’m just the nanny!” and brushed it off as I always do.

The mom started freaking out at me and said as the babysitter I shouldn’t be parked in a spot “specifically for PARENTS” and that since I’m being paid, I should deal with parking further back. She told me she, as a mom, could’ve parked there but wasn’t able to because I took the spot, and that I should move so actual parents could park there.

I said “I parked here because I have 3 toddlers in my care” and started walking into the store with the triplets. She followed us in, loudly ranting at me, before going her separate way once we were fully inside.

The parents I nanny for said I was fine and that I should of course take those spots if available when I’m out with the triplets. But when I told most of my friends they said that while the woman should’ve minded her own business, she was right that I was being paid so I should’ve dealt with farther parking, and I was wrong for taking a spot meant for actual parents. AITA?

  • Brown5500
    8 months ago

    NTA. The spots are there because dealing with little kids or being pregnant is difficult, not because it’s mother’s Day and all mothers need a trophy.