• @index
    -2919 days ago

    Usa and the west have been helping ukraine for decades and sent them billions already.


    The west have been working with russia and selling them weapons too in the past years. Rulers and politicians are indeed playing a fucking game which is called war, a game in which they act as the puppeteers and have fun sending peasants to die in the front over a bunch of invisible lines on the map

    • @prettybunnys
      1519 days ago

      Thank god the only thing needed for this war to stop is Russia to stop waging war against Ukraine and fuck off back home, right?

      Or is it everyone else’s fault Russia started a war?

      • @index
        -719 days ago

        They don’t seem to want to stop so i have another idea, what about stop doing business with china, saudi arabia, turkey, israel and any other country selling weapons and making business with russia?

        Why do you think this isn’t happening and pretty much every western government is ok with russian chilling in abu dhabi?

        • @[email protected]
          619 days ago

          hey I know you haven’t heard this one before but it’s kind of relevant for this discussion

          Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.