• @[email protected]
      2723 days ago

      Take your kid to the playground.

      It’s a perfect equivalent, because you’ll get the occasional sexist saying vile things and forcing you to leave, too! But mostly, women will fawn over you.

      • Lad
        1423 days ago

        When I was a teenager, I used to walk my grandma’s cute dog past the nearby all-girls school when the girls were coming out at the end of the schoolday.

        Guy with cute dog + dozens of girls around = loads of attention ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      • @[email protected]
        1123 days ago

        It’s funny, two things that made it infinitely easier to pick up women were my wedding ring and my kids. Of course it’s probably the complete lack of pressure, knowing I’m not actually picking up anyone. Always been a confidence issue.

      • @[email protected]
        523 days ago

        Are you watching your kid play from the bushes or something? I’ve never had about encounter like that at the playground.

        • @[email protected]
          323 days ago

          I don’t have any kids, but I’ve heard from friends. Man with kid = pedophile, somehow, in some people’s minds.

              • @Danquebec
                121 days ago

                Just sharing my experience. May not be representative of every individual and locations

    • @funkless_eck
      1023 days ago

      spending time with someone in a social environment over a period of several days.

    • @[email protected]
      222 days ago

      in my personal experience, going to cooking/baking classes for the general public, as in not some school/academy. I like to cook and decided to find out if something like this existed where I lived. I found a couple and went to the two that had the more interesting information/description online from the person running the classes, and customer comments.

      It ranged from 50/50 to 20/80, men to women, in almost every class. Also, an extended family member of mine has run art classes for a long time now and he says those are very popular with women.