• @timbuck2themoon
    16 days ago

    Yeah surely it’s not the “bOtH sIDes” crap and third party voting. And the lack of showing up for primaries.

    If progressives were as numerous and dedicated as you think you’d have no issue winning elections.

    Truth hurts.

    • @[email protected]
      216 days ago

      Weird because a whole bunch of us showed up for a primary where there wasn’t any choice and still voted uncommitted. The dem response to that is to shriek we want trump to win, because it turns out they don’t care about our values just that we check the box that keeps them in power.

      • @timbuck2themoon
        016 days ago

        The choice was Dean Phillips. If you didn’t want him either then yeah, too bad. The party isn’t great but let’s not act like Bernie didn’t lose twice in a row. Where were the progressives to vote him in then? Probably online whining but then not showing up. Or… Just not enough of them. Either way, same result. If you only make up 20% of the party it’s insane to expect only “true” progressive candidates. And not ones that stood in picket lines, forgave student loans, passed the biggest climate change bill ever, etc.

    • @[email protected]
      216 days ago

      Since we can be safely ignored, don’t blame us when your shit candidates lose. We told you they were shit.

      • @timbuck2themoon
        16 days ago

        When you’re ignored for another few decades because you’re flakes don’t be surprised when you don’t get what you want and society regresses further.

        It’s almost as if you make up 20% of the party you don’t control the entire apparatus but are essential to the operation.

          • @timbuck2themoon
            116 days ago

            Here’s the pity party…

            Didn’t get everything on Christmas so let’s abstain…

            Learn how to sit at a big table like an adult.

            • @[email protected]
              15 days ago

              so let’s abstain…

              This has never and will never be my position. I get that you want perfect unwavering happy silence from your left and only your left, but that’s because your party never disappoints you.

              • @timbuck2themoon
                15 days ago

                No it’s rather the incessant whining with no actual solutions. You do realize there are more voters than just you? I’m sure there are plenty of Democrats (including a lot of Jewish people) who are fine with how the war in Gaza is going.

                That doesn’t make it right but it does make it hard to straddle the line between not pissing off progressives and more conservative Dems.

                You think Biden wants to lose? You think he doesn’t have scads of analysts telling him which way to lean? You think he purposefully wants to lose your vote? He might be a zionist himself but he’s also no idiot, especially politically. He’s going to lean the way he thinks he needs to to get elected.

                Again, that doesn’t make it right. That doesn’t make the genocide ok. And it sucks, it truly does (more than sucks, it’s abhorrent.) But if he and the Dems lose power going too far one way or another, they lose the power the do ANYTHING good. Things will get immeasurably worse.

                So when you do nothing but bitch and moan and inspire others to abstain, you’re doing a disservice. You can speak against the genocide all you want but when you do this bitching about “genocide Joe” and deflate turnout and votes for Joe then you’re making things WORSE. You’re asking something of him that he cannot give.

                It’s your absolute lack of knowledge in the political arena that I think is the worst. And it leads you to make things worse either knowingly or unknowingly. Study up and it’d help. Shit sucks the world over (because there is a genocide in Sudan too that you could speak out against but somehow that doesn’t catch your radar nor do you really laud Joe Biden and the Dems for funding Ukraine against Russia, just lambast them for Palestine) and will continue to suck. It’s life. But acting as if the US can realistically do everything you want is foolish, especially when the USG represents more than just ensign_crab. Or is the war in Gaza the only one that matters? Would things be better if your posts encouraged people to “take a moral stand” and abstain and let Trump waltz in then let Israel turn Gaza into even more of a parking lot? Would Ukraine be better off when Trump and the Rs cut Ukraine off and let Russia take over them and then perhaps Moldova next? Or does your barometer stop in the Mid East?

                And only my left? What are you talking about? I think the right sucks way, way more than the left, the “centrists” suck that think both sides are the same. I also think the centrists suck ass when they flake out and don’t vote for progressives too. Quite frankly, there’s very few people politically I don’t think suck. Or do you think I’m some centrist who thinks things are peachy? I’m not. I’m simply a realist. I have lived long enough to see how things play out. The only ones who win are the ones who play the game to win. It’s messy and almost never fun but it’s the only way to actually MAKE progress, instead of just talking about it.