• @[email protected]
    2623 days ago

    People forget Reagan. And the Bush Klan. Ole Prescott Bush was connected to the Wall street putch. He missed his chance at US dictatorship. But he groomed his son and grandson well. To cause as much damage as possible. “Mission Accomplished” Am I right?

    • @[email protected]
      1023 days ago

      Prescott and his fascist cronies were stopped by an actual patriot, retired general Smedley Butler. A man who so despaired of the wars he helped wage that he became an anti-war later in life.

      I’m sure you know this since you are aware of the plot, but I’ll never miss an opportunity to bring up this American hero.

      • @[email protected]
        523 days ago

        Yes. Though they unfortunately were not stopped. Just largely delayed unfortunately. FDR playing fast and loose cut a lot of backroom deals which led to the temporary New Deal programs. Which were a great thing in the short term. But as a concession hr let a lot of the fascists go and kept a lot of the information from actually becoming public. And as a result. They’ve largely dismantled the new deal policies. And spent the last century simmering and growing stronger and stronger till we get where we are today. Butler was absolutely a hero though.

        • @[email protected]
          323 days ago

          Same shit every time. Bunch of Nazi scientists? Why prosecute when we can use them!

          I just don’t know anymore. Squash fascists and someone always finds a way to let way too many off the hook. Let them come into the open and we get… the nightmare timeline we’re in now (thanks Ms Schlafly).

      • @[email protected]
        623 days ago

        In terms of Republicans of last century? Sure. In terms of democrats? No not really. Obama, Biden, and Clinton are not fascists. They are just appeasers. Which is definitely not a good thing but very different.