• @[email protected]
    -1318 days ago

    I think the military industrial complex will be the end of us all. Generally, I think military spending is fucking atrocious and is a huge contributor to the myriad problems we as people face on a daily basis.

    While I agree, Russia has no right to annex territory in Ukraine or Georgia or anywhere else, and I agree, like any rational person will, that Ukraine has every right to defend itself to the fullest extent, including matching on Moscow and fucking up the place, that’s decidedly not our problem.

    Ukraine found a fucking massive oil ans natural gas deposit, large enough it threatens Russia’s market dominance. Ukraine kicked out it’s Russian puppet. Russia wants control back and will bleed itself dry to obtain it. In so doing, they’re bleeding us too.

    I wish Ukraine the best, I really do. But at the top, this isn’t about defending the freedom of a downtrodden underdog. That’s a convenient story to sell to the American public. It’s about resources, and resource wars will only become more common.

    • @[email protected]
      2418 days ago

      How is this bleeding the US? I thought we were giving them cast-offs the military had no interest in using anyway.

      • @[email protected]OP
        1718 days ago

        It’s whatever rhetoric needs to be used in order to discourage US support for Ukraine. But they’re definitely not pro-genocide, honest.

        • @[email protected]
          -2118 days ago

          What’s funny is how frequently I get downvoted to oblivion for daring to suggest that genocide isn’t acceptable in any circumstances, including when voting for US presidents.

          It’s you guys that seem to be ok with it when your guy is the one supporting it.

          • @[email protected]OP
            2618 days ago

            Genocide is always evil.

            When confronted with two evils, one must choose the lesser evil if there is no realistic alternative; as letting the greater evil in helps literally no one.

            Is that too complex? Do I need to simplify it further?

            • @[email protected]
              -1817 days ago

              “Genocide is good if ‘the lesser evil’ is doing it!”

              You claim genocide is always evil yet you make excuses for it. What’s the difference between an authoritarian dictatorship carrying out genocide and a plutocracy giving you a Fisher-Price voting ballot that will result in genocide no matter which option you pick?

              • @[email protected]
                517 days ago

                Kindly inform me of the non-genocide vote that is more effectual than throwing my vote away in the United States.

                Palestine will be gone long before third party is elected in America, or the revolution happens. An optimist would hope that the genocide in Gaza would initiate mass resistance in america, but a realist knows that it won’t happen in time to stop the Israeli march on Gaza.

                In the meantime I’m putting my bets on the somewhat-less-genocide guy while continuing to advocate for third parties and the revolution and sending support however I can, personally.

                We live in a broken system that forces you to vote for politicians who believe things that you don’t believe in, this is the reality of American politics.

                Pro tip; you can continue to protest and advocate AND vote for the lesser of two evils. We don’t live in a vacuum we’re voting for Joe Biden suddenly renders you his full political supporter. Voting is a tool not a declaration of fealty.

                You can acknowledge that we are stuck between a rock and a hard place without defaulting to doing what amounts to nothing and complaining that others won’t do nothing in protest with you.

                This is also ignoring the fact that there are real consequences for the outcome of the election for those who live in the United States itself.

                Not every person has the privilege to care about the outcomes of the US election internationally when they are struggling to survive under the current leadership.

                Would you tell these people to vote for the politician that changes nothing or the politician that makes things worse?

                I wish politics was so simple as " politician supports bad thing and we all stopped voting for him ". It is unfortunately not.

                • @[email protected]
                  -217 days ago

                  Kindly inform me of the non-genocide vote that is more effectual than throwing my vote away in the United States.

                  There isn’t one. That is my point.

          • @[email protected]
            618 days ago

            If we had STAR voting I could give these two guys a 1 and a 2 while progressives all get 8 to 10. Unfortunately, that isn’t a reality we exist in. In reality only one of these two guys will win.

            There is no realistic scenario this year where a third party candidate receives enough EC votes to become president. Like both guys would have to die before the election and the third party would have to be a popular household name.

            Given that these two are the only realistic candidates, my only option on this issue is throwing my vote in the trash (expressing that one doesn’t give a fuck how many Palestinians die, no preference either way) or voting for the person I think will kill fewer Palestinians.

    • Optional
      1818 days ago

      that’s decidedly not our problem.

      Disagree. The putin propaganda parties are fucking up every democracy possible - most importantly, or perhaps most relevantly to this topic, the US. And the invasion and destruction of Ukraine is the proof that it’s working. We’ve got to help Ukraine win, rebuild, and be a peaceful and prosperous democracy because russia will stop at nothing to bend everything to them.

      trump and the Qult will stop at nothing to help putin destroy the US ideals and become a malleable Christofascist oligopoly like they are. If you think Ukraine is not our problem you’re not addressing our problem. Ukraine is the leading edge of the problem.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1218 days ago

      While I agree, Russia has no right to annex territory in Ukraine or Georgia or anywhere else, and I agree, like any rational person will, that Ukraine has every right to defend itself to the fullest extent, including matching on Moscow and fucking up the place, that’s decidedly not our problem.

      How convenient that every time a moral issue comes up that we’re on the right side of, it’s not our problem.

      • Patapon Enjoyer
        18 days ago

        How convenient that every time a moral issue comes up that we’re on the right side of, it’s not our problem.

        I think the last time this happened was World War 2.

        and even then internment camps happened

        • @[email protected]OP
          1118 days ago

          I think the last time this happened was World War 2

          No, don’t worry, MLs advocated us staying out of the ‘Capitalist Imperialist War’ there too, until their favorite Nazi-allied country got betrayed.

          Unsurprising that you find preventing the genocide of Ukrainians to be the ‘wrong side’ of this war.

          • @[email protected]
            -217 days ago

            You’re thinking of World War 1, which the communists were 100% vindicated for not supporting.

            MLs in World War 2 wanted us to support the USSR. Curious how supporting the communists put us on the right side of history, while all the times we fought against communists we were very clearly on the wrong side of it - must be a coincidence.

      • @[email protected]
        -1218 days ago

        It’s only a moral issue because it’s being billed as one. For the prime actually making the decisions it’s strictly strategic, you’re fooling yourself if you think it’s more than that. You think all of a sudden their making altruistic choices?

        It’s greed. It’s all greed. Always has been. This greed is just convenient.

    • Justas🇱🇹
      016 days ago

      Military industrial complex is relatively tiny.

      If you want to see who will be the end of us, follow the bigger fish.

      Oil companies will destroy the environment.

      Agrochemical companies will destroy biodiversity.

      Food companies will make us obese.

      Social media companies will misinform and divide us.