• @mindbleach
    519 days ago

    And FUCK the euphemism treadmill of being marketed at. They were honest by accident at first - calling them “commercial interruptions.” Motivation and effect, right there in black and white. Like everything else at the time. That got shortened to “commercials,” which would sound like bad writing in science fiction, but is in fact how language tends to work. Then they became “advertisements,” which is dishonestly neutral and passive, halfway to pretending they’re just announcements. That got Variety’d down to “ads.” Now they’re trying to make it sound like a service. Like they’re just providing “recommendations,” or “discounts,” or “offers.” It’s the same shit: ‘here is brand, brand will make you happy.’ Fuck off, brand!

    • @brbposting
      418 days ago

      Didn’t realize that was the progression - good analysis