The most requested Vertical Tabs will make an appearance in the upcoming Firefox. The feature can now be turned on in Nightly itself without the need to rely on third-party extensions or separate Nightly builds.

  • @mindbleach
    64 days ago

    Okay, great. Can I have tab rows back? On top? Where the tabs go?

      • @mindbleach
        34 days ago

        A tight grid beats getting lost in barely two dozen tabs at a time, scrolling horizontally and having no idea where it begins or ends. You’d need a thousand tabs in one window to take up even 500px vertically.

        • @[email protected]
          34 days ago

          Gimme big tabs that look like buttons on a child’s ipad app. I also want the tab matrix enabled and always visible on mobile. Finally, they must make various squeaking/honking/chirping noises when I select them and animal noises when left inactive for too long.

          • @mindbleach
            24 days ago

            Sorry, that version of Firefox only comes on CD-ROM for Windows 98.

              • @mindbleach
                24 days ago

                I was right there with you, a thousand miles away.