• Jonathan Hendry
    136 days ago

    @Varyk @pikesley

    Not the first, actually a late entrant.

    I worked in a lab using implanted brain-computer interfaces 14 years ago.

    Other labs using the same system had monkeys controlling robot arms, and a human controlling a computer.

    • @[email protected]M
      126 days ago

      I seriously don’t know where these fuckers have been that they’re supposedly excited about implanted BCIs now that musk’s doing a monstrously shitty one, but somehow they managed not to ever read about any of the previous research into this that had the same outcome as neuralink (basic, inaccurate computer mouse control) with the same major caveats (the electrodes become unusable in short order due to scarring and can’t be repaired), except that the neuralink version is unnecessarily risky* cause startups gotta go fast

      [*] and the risk here is that something truly fucking awful will happen to the patient, because it’s the fucking human brain and they’re treating it like a submarine made of secondhand carbon fiber, including the ignored track record of failed lab tests before disaster struck

      • @[email protected]
        75 days ago

        I still don’t think cortical electrodes should even be described as a direct interface. A direct interface would speak action potential and connect to your spinal cord, like Ghost in the Shell or The Matrix. I do not see a lot of people lining up to test what would probably entail having your brainstem dissected!

      • Jonathan Hendry
        76 days ago


        A lab I worked in (as an IT guy) used them for data collection, studying visual attention in monkeys.

        Not a happy place for the monkeys although I’m confident the scientists did their best to not make it any worse than it had to be.

    • @Varyk
      6 days ago

      Yea, I felt bad as soon as I typed that, should have written modern interface, I read a popular mechanics or scientific American article like 30 years ago with one haha.

      All right, I’ll change it