• @[email protected]
      66 days ago

      Isn’t “turning right” the main political theme across the world now? It’s not just France.

      But I will still put a disclaimer here that I am not French, just sharing my view since it seemed to be that most countries including mine are, ultimately, having the same problem. Feel free to correct me! Here goes:

      I think, the general reason for this right-wing surge ultimately boils down to economics. People are obviously not satisfied with their current quality of life - see e.g. housing prices. Many blame it on things such as outside migrations or the geopolitical enemy of their country, etc etc. This is a hotbed for conservative-leaning mindsets.

      Those factors I mentioned could have played a hand in this problem, but my opinion is that the biggest issue lies in unequal wealth distribution across the globe. That’s why the GDP is growing, but people’s standard of living (except for a minor few) is not. People directed their unhappiness at the wrong thing.

      • BrightCandle
        46 days ago

        All of the western democracies are telling their people the reason their quality of life is declining is due to immigrants and the disabled and poor. A lot of people seem to believe them. I agree its about inequality and bringing the far right in will only accelerate the process.

      • @[email protected]
        16 days ago

        Right, I see your point. I also wonder sometimes if the excess of social media consumption and the battle to gobble more eye balls has somehow influenced people making them more susceptible to manipulation via charisma and populist opinions, I’m not sure how different it is nowadays than a couple of decades back. I might be wrong about this anyways

    • Dremor
      27 days ago

      Macron made an irresponsible gamble, at the worst possible timing, without taking in account his current lack of popularity. To no one surprise it blown up in his face.

        • Dremor
          6 days ago

          Basically, his party got beaten so badly at the European elections (barely got half of the far-right votes, and almost got the third position after the Socialist), that he decided to trigger a “Dissolution”, which literally stop the current assembly mandate and call for flash-election. His gamble was to make himself the only alternative to the far-right by counting on the left division and the fear of the far right…
          Which blown up to his face since the left kinda united itself and the far right still got a good advance. Even worse, this time its party got third by a long shot, and may loose a lot of its seats at the National Assembly.