• @xmunk
    23 days ago

    Yea, okay, we can hold off on our coronal mass injection cannon for now - but if those fucks break any laws trying to intimidate jurors or bribing officials… well, I’ll keep the cannon spun up in my garage.

    I, specifically, want Trump to gain no special benefits or privileges based on him being Trump or wealthy - he’s gotten far too many gifts already.

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      no special benefits or privileges based on him being […] wealthy

      That’s unfortunately simply not the world we live in.

      • @xmunk
        12 days ago

        So you’re saying I should wind up the cannon? Can’t a mad scientist just launch a few people into the sun without all this back and forth?! /s

        Yea, I know. It fucking sucks.