Luckily being President is mostly a 9-5 /s

  • @xmunk
    -203 days ago

    Hey mods, seeing actual articles constantly downvoted because people don’t like the news is getting really fucking old. Is it possible to start handing out some time outs or maybe just make a meta post?

      • @xmunk
        -63 days ago

        My understanding is that if users are banned from a community they can’t interact with posts/comments in that community. Am I incorrect?

          • @xmunk
            -63 days ago

            I am not familiar with the underlying infrastructure and what data is visible for who but there is a record on a per user basis of who has voted for what to prevent repeated voting. Is that information not available to mods?

            • Sami
              113 days ago

              It’s available to admins at least and I believe Kbin has it on by default for everyone so it should be publically available if someone wanted to find it. That said I don’t think anyone is interested in that level of micromanagement unless its something like mass downvote accounts.

    • SatansMaggotyCumFart
      123 days ago

      I for one feel it’s crazy they don’t ban everyone who feels differently about things then you do.

      • @xmunk
        03 days ago

        My bro! You truly understand!

        Nah, I like having a discussion. I’m just concerned that every article pointing out Biden’s flaws is losing out on visibility and discussion with those folks that aren’t crazy like us and don’t sort by New.

        • SatansMaggotyCumFart
          93 days ago

          Don’t worry, you have return2ozma, givesomefucks and all the other tankie-types constantly reminding everyone.

          • @xmunk
            53 days ago

            Thank you for at least not declaring me a tankie. There are times when I’m on the same side of the argument as both of them and there are times I vehemently disagree with them.

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              33 days ago

              I don’t think the other two are tankies, I was mostly referring to the gang with commie or something adjacent to that in their names.

    • @[email protected]M
      33 days ago

      I can’t speak to what the ADMINs can see, because I’m not an admin, but as a mod, we can’t see the source of up and down votes any more than anyone else.

      We have the queue of reported posts and comments, and removal and ban tools, and that’s pretty much it.

      But what you’re complaining about is largely the hivemind at work.

      • @xmunk
        22 days ago

        Fair enough. Thanks for doing what you can.

    • @[email protected]OP
      22 days ago

      Thry may have just been down voting my sarcastic commentary on it, given that Lemmy essentially allows the text field to be the top comment