• @[email protected]
    02 months ago

    I feel better about him than the guy who wants to fly the plane into a skyscraper and who gets to pick a support staff that might help him do that. The airline has terrible staffing policies, but I don’t really get to change them in the 30 minutes before the plane takes off.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      You do know you’re in a thread about Biden stepping aside, right?

      And the question was:

      Why Biden instead of any other Dem

      And I’m just getting responses about how Biden is better than trump.

      Literally nobody here is disagreeing with that.

      You’re just making the case that not even Biden supporters can explain why they think he has to be the nominee. At least not a reason that’s not easily disproven.

      • John Richard
        2 months ago

        You do realize Biden has a staff of over 120 people with roles that include trying to control narratives on social media. I think some of these people are legitimate but I can’t help but think some of them are AI bots or staffers working for Biden trying to manipulate the conversations and discussions.

        Biden is toast. The sooner Democrats, bots and staff members realize that the quicker we can energize the party with a different candidate that people actually like and that can engage in unscripted questions and policy discussions while speaking from the heart.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          If this was twitter, reddit, or Facebook maybe. Especially if they werent always down voted.

          But the chances of that happening on Lemmy is almost zero. It’s just a shit return of investment due to the small userbase and engagement.

          It’s honestly what I like best about Lemmy.

          • John Richard
            42 months ago

            Lemmy is where people with actual ideas go. Those capable of thinking outside the box. Government usually tries to stay on top of progressive technology because it is where change is actually happening. Twitter, Reddit, etc. is just a bunch of bots competing with other bots.