Example: I stopped because I grew attached to an anime called Zombie Land Saga (2018) and am currently trying to forget about it now.

I posted about it on Reddit, then on here because I didn’t agree with the writing of the overall show.

I won’t bicker about it anymore though.

  • Orbituary
    2 months ago
    • The constant simping by neckbeards.
    • The unrealistic and overly pervasive sexualization of everything.
    • The boring, formulaic predictability: The boy, the priss girl, the nerd girl with gadgets, the tomboy girl that cleans up, the aggro chick, the alternate love interest. Fuck off already.
    • The homogeneity of art: everything feels like it was made by the same studio.

    As a child I watched Robotech and Macross. I loved Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, and others like that. I realized that anime could be for everyone with Studio Ghibli. There were guilty pleasures like Rouroni Kenshin or Inuyasha. I loved the Ranma stuff because it was just quirky and frenetic. DBZ was fun, but boy did they drag it out. Anyhow…

    Next, people will say, “Oh, but you should see this! It really breaks the mold.” I’m sure it does. I don’t care. I’m over the genre.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      It’s crazy how all you described was just a subsection of anime, specifically slice of life high school romance animes and then expanded that to everything else. I mean even calling anime a genre is weird since it’s just animated content with a specific range of art styles, the story can be anything. The simping and sexualization is definitely an issue but that comes with anything that is a entertainment. Could I ask you what you consume nowadays aside from anime? I’m curious since I wanna know the gap you perceive between that and anime in general.

      • Orbituary
        102 months ago

        It’s crazy how some asked “what made you stop?” and I answered with my reasons. Not yours. Not someone else’s… mine.

        Get over it.

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        It’s crazy how all you described was just a subsection of anime, specifically slice of life high school romance animes and then expanded that to everything else.

        … what? Aside from specific studio exceptions, everything he listed except for the art style one is absolutely pervasive in every genre of anime.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          I just fundamentally disagree, after watching hundreds of anime and just lots of media in general, there is definitely tropes and excessive repetition of stuff, but the specific tropes referenced here are objectively not prevalent in every genre of anime. Perhaps Isekai and high school slice of life romance but not super prevalent outside of that. And most newer or older anime don’t have it either, there was a very short band of time where what he mentioned was prevalent.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Robotech and Macross

      Lost interest after that and never came back. I wonder if those old shows still hold up.