It pops up as paywalled in Chrome, but not Firefox. Not on, so here’s a tl;dr:

"Two private polls conducted in a swing New York House district and reviewed by POLITICO — one in September and another in March — found former President Donald Trump leading Biden there by 1 point, a virtual tie. And public polls over the last four months found Biden’s lead had winnowed to just 8 points across New York — an unusually narrow gap in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

“We’re still acting like this is a one-party state, which for pretty much 20, 25 years it has been,” Democratic Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine said. “I truly believe we’re a battleground state now.”

A Biden lead of 8 points in a state he carried by 23 in 2020 is a huge loss of support.

Current polling:

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    His home state (Pennsylvania) went R once after the 1988 election…

    But suddenly it’s a “battleground” now too? He’s down 4 points in his own backyard. Although technically most of his time was in Delaware, the corporate tax haven of America. The corporations that “live” in Delaware still love Joe. But the humans in Delaware are still for trump by like 3 points…

    Despite Delaware being solid blue since 1988…

    Turns out when we have Joe Biden, any state can be a battleground state!

    I don’t why people keep letting him pretend that a 34% approval rating is fine and 81 years old isn’t really that old. This election is serious, and we can’t afford to just plod along ignoring all the warning signs that Joe has to go

    It doesn’t matter what he wants or if he feels he’s ready

    It’s too important to let him treat this like a personal decision between him and “the Lord God”.

    • Tiefling IRL
      12 months ago

      Because the corporations that own the media and the DNC want a Trump dictatorship

    • @ryathal
      12 months ago

      The really dangerous part about these polls is the potential impact on the house. Biden could win these states, but still lose ground in the house which makes the victory more pyrrhic than anything.

    • noneya
      -32 months ago

      To those downvoting this comment (and every other comment critical of Biden):

      What is the percentage of loss you are willing to accept before you call for Biden’s removal from the ticket?

      Is it 10%? 20%? 80%?

      When will you be willing to consider a different candidate? Surely there’s a number…I’d just like to know what it is.

      • @[email protected]OPM
        12 months ago

        The problem is, as I’ve noted previously, the time to replace him was last September. It’s too late at this point.

        Here are the scenarios:

        1. Biden runs and loses, which is the current track.

        2. DNC forces Biden out for Harris, who loses, because people hate her more than Biden.

        3. DNC forces both Biden and Harris out for a new candidate, who loses, because voters feel they had no role in choosing the replacement.

        The only way I see a “D” win here is for Biden to die in office, Harris steps up and gets a sympathy vote.

        • noneya
          72 months ago

          Respectfully disagree. It took France a couple of weeks to form the New Popular Front, which just won HUGE. Why wouldn’t it be possible to form a similar coalition in the US?

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            There is zero chance that the DNC steps aside for a third party…

            And there’s like a 0.0001% chance they pick anyone except Kamala if Biden is replaced.

            I think she has a better shot than Joe. Some people think the other way.

            If the DNC allowed it, there is plenty of time for a primary. The DNC just isn’t going to do that. Because the incoming Dem president gets to set the DNC leadership and party platform. If a Republican wins, the party usually votes to maintain leadership.

            So for current leadership when the choices are:

            1. Biden or Kamala win
            2. Trump wins
            3. Someone voters want wins

            The only way they lose power is #3. If trump wins, they keep power and 2028 is the same shit show we’ve been living thru.

            Understanding doesn’t mean I agree with it.

            But that’s where we’re at right now. Biden and the DNC are willing to burn the country down for personal power. And regardless of if he wins or loses, the people in charge of the DNC stay in charge of it.

            • noneya
              72 months ago

              I’m not talking about forming a new party. I mean forming a coalition.

              I’m just tired of hearing “it’s too late” when it’s quite obviously not too late.

                • noneya
                  72 months ago

                  OMG, you’re making this more difficult than it needs to be.

                  Ok…coalesce around a new candidate. Find someone fucking else. There’s still time and France just proved it. How can you say it’s too late?

                  • @[email protected]OPM
                    -32 months ago

                    Because any new candidate has 118 days to rise to prominenance and win the election, that’s not enough time.

          • @[email protected]
            02 months ago

            Democrats keep punching left at those here in the US trying to form coalitions like New Popular Front.

      • @[email protected]
        -12 months ago

        There is no percentage that will sway them. They would rather have Trump than admit they’re capable of being wrong.

        • noneya
          -62 months ago

          It’s starting to seem that way. Really sad and disappointing how hypocritical people are.

          We were supposed to be the party of integrity; the party who stood for what was right; the party who was unafraid to challenge the status quo. Now, it just seems like we are two shitty sides of the same fucking awful coin.

          Watching the American experiment fail is truly the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.