Monorepos, performance problems, and a lot of asking

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    This guy’s cute.

    Never heard of Hg before? SVN? CVS? Clearcase? SCCS? SCCS++ like unix used? I understand if source code management seems a new skill since it’s just been a part of devel for 40-ish years, but one writing about devel could get a handle on it first.

    I stopped reading when he wrote “these asks” like “ask” was a noun used by someone writing seriously and not a car salesman. I guess one could “action” an “ask” about the “spend” while “doing lunch”, as those all fit the 1984 sales-brody template.

    • AatubeOP
      2 months ago

      I do not see what you mean by the second paragraph.

      Complaining about ask as a noun, an innovation that only picked up recently, sounds like “old man yells at cloud”. I do not get your association with some 80s salesman and have never seen such usage in any contemporary films. Also, how the heck is a blog post “someone writing seriously”?