We’ll just all assume that every person who gets this would make themselves early twenties with flawless skin, perfect organs, appendages and functionality, and no excess weight.

My question is, would you change yourself from your genetic baseline, and if so, how?

    • @wheeldawg
      22 months ago

      Honestly if this scenario was happening, how long before they standardized what your height must be to participate and rebalanced games in relation to that?

      But I forgot about sports. I never got the draw and I never will.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Tbf you can kind of see this standardization happening with what’s available today, like rhinoplasties or PEDs.

        • @wheeldawg
          12 months ago

          If we get to the point of making it easy to just have whatever body you want at any time you want, then I’m totally ok with athletes being required to use Sports Mode"

          People will probably (FINALLY) get bored of sports in general and we can move on as a species.