I want to work on complimenting other men more! Specifically my goal is to compliment people on things they clearly worked hard on or put in effort, cause it sucks if you work super hard or care about something and then don’t feel like anyone notices.

So I’m going to try and compliment people who:

Have really well done and unique tattoos

Are older but super athletic (It’s harder and more thankless, since when you’re young and athletic you’re usually in sports and get lots of praise. At least that was my experience)

Have super sharp outfits

Have really nice shoes (nice shoes are expensive and keeping them clean is legit hard)

what are other good compliments we should give each other?

EDIT: Oh and I still remember when I got a compliment on what I was getting while grocery shopping. So if I see like real good food in there I’ll try to throw out a “looks like you’re cooking up some good stuff”

  • Kimdracula
    9 months ago

    Hell, majority of guys DON’T wanna receive compliments from another dude. Even if Reddit tries to make you believe that isn’t the truth. We, as males wanna be out at least look strong and being told sissy shit is far from it. Again, from a girl has a lot more of merit, especially since she don’t go around saying them to guys usually unless I dunno, every dude in her condo is a model.

    You’re spot on in the last part, there’s already too much bs and disconnection in the world, another lie just between eachother just to don’t feel sad and depressed of being eternally single, failed in life or whatever isn’t going to help.