transcript: 4 panel comic. Star Wars, episode 3. Anakin is chocking padme “harder ani” “what?” shocked anakin and obi-wan “oh uh, I mean” “anakin, you’re breaking my heart” while in the background anakin and obi-wan gives each other a knowing look

  • shundi82
    8 months ago

    Made me think of Stewie as Darth Vader choking a black dude and the black dude’s like: “But you’re choking my…” (Implying that it’s not the neck, that’s choked). And Stewie says: “I know. But I’ll continue the choking. Because I’m angry with you.”

    But I couldn’t find the clip, so I guess it’ll just be a trip down memory lane for some old farts like me. For everyone else too young to remember, I’ve brought this picture: