• @gravitas_deficiency
    22 months ago

    Yeah but he’s a complete psychopath. I don’t think he’s going to let go of his movement until he’s in the ground. Even if he’s convicted and thrown into prison, I fully expect him and his surrogates to continue bleating about nonsense and trying to do coups. He opened Pandora’s box, unfortunately, and I don’t think that it’s going to be closed for a long time, if ever.

    And I don’t see him accepting a pardon deal, because he’s a giant fucking child. Or being granted one, for that matter, because only a complete idiot would think he’d keep his word and abide by the letter and spirit of the agreement, and Kamala is a lot of things, but she’s not an idiot.

    • qprimed
      2 months ago

      I think the one thing that may have disuaded him was actual jailtime before the election.

      everyone had to make their calculations on how best to deal with him, politically, in a courtroom and they all came down on the side of caution. honestly, given the stakes, thats not unreasonable at all.

      now we have octogenarian who has still never received an appropriate consequence and is now deeply messianic. if (when!) this SoB looses, is when he makes his last bid - pardon, or I start the civil unrest.

      thats my current take at least.

      • @gravitas_deficiency
        22 months ago

        Yep, that’s more or less my read on it too.

        I will say that the extent to which he has been treated with kid gloves (for various reasons - some reasonable, some extremely dumb, some as a result of outright corruption and obvious quid pro quo arrangements) is deeply infuriating.