• Boomers are having their last dance in charge.
  • Gen X leaders are stepping up to replace the last of them.
  • Younger leaders are taking charge of politics and corporate giants such as Boeing, HSBC, and Costco.
  • @xmunk
    591 month ago

    It’s cool you’ll get like four years then we millennials will take over.

      • Wytch
        151 month ago

        Watching helplessly for 40 or 50 years while your parents’ generation destroys everything will do that

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Millennials seem cool. They called bullshit on a lot of stuff that X just shrugged at and tried to slack our way around. I don’t usually know what Z is saying but they seem to at least have moved in a less overtly toxic direction, and they put weak but real taboos on stuff like bullying that no prior generation did.

          It’s all good. I’m gonna go let myself into the empty house and make a PB&J now.